So I thought this may be useful for some of you that, Like me have had trouble getting your samples into the AR.
In addition to LarsErik’s tips:
[i]a. Restart my AR before starting C6.
b. Only have the USB midi enabled on the AR.
c. Avoid having any other applications that access midi channels running on my computer while uploading. (I’m on Windows 8)
d. Convert the samples to 16bit 48kHz mono. (This removes any faulty sample file problems and makes the data size being transferred most of the time considerably smaller.)[/i]
With the exception of d. (Because I’m lazy) I also shut off my screen saver and obviously shut off the computer’s automatic sleep mode and I’ve had some relative success. I started the transfer yesterday around 4pm of approximately 625 samples (Around 200mb) All one shots, Drums, Chords, Effects and vocal one shots and as of right now 9:40am the transfer is at 250 samples.
Which is still an abysmal transfer speed but this is the largest amount of samples I’ve been able to get on there thus far.
I’m on an IMac Mid 2013 model running Mavericks with 16gb of ram.
I’ll update this post when all the samples transfer or if it stops transferring abruptly like it has for me up until this point.
As stupid as it sounds I believe shutting off the screen saver made a huge difference for some weird reason.
Also enable the top two SDS options in C6 ! (Run latest version too) turbo setting in AR relates to DIN, ensure it starts on in C6 and don’t toggle off as you’ll need to restart to enable Turbo in C6 again #C6tip aifs and wavs load up the same from my testing
So it loaded 534 samples on to my RYTM out of the 625 (200mb) and it took a
full 26 hours to upload!
Which is insane and awful, I really feel slighted by Elektron about this as I said before I bought this not just as an analog drum machine but as a sample playback machine as well to be able to take my current project away from the computer and get more work done.
I’ve never had anything negative to say about any elektron gear ever until this issue. I really hope Elektron is reading these complaints and comes up with a fix for this ASAP since they are advertising this as being a full feature not just a small add on feature.
Honestly as much as this would piss me off it if they did have to make a small piece of hardware specifically for speeding up these transfers dramatically for under $50 then I would purchase it…Still would really suck but I would do it because getting various samples onto the AR for each different project I’m working on (Which is often) is a big deal for me.
Anyways yea to sum it up less than the intended 200mb onto the AR in 26 hours.
How the hell are they advertising 1GB of sample storage???
Also @the_dreammer out of desperation I’m thinking that’s not entirely a bad idea lol
No he’s not making this up. It happened to me last night too. At some point in the transfer of 800 files it decided “hey, you know TURBO? fuck that, let’s go back to 1x midi speed”. 12 hours later it had only transferred about 100 files.
This is my second time owning the RYTM. I told myself I needed to experiment with samples more this time around. I’ve been trying to load Goldbaby’s Dirt and Layers, and have been having a horse shit time. Nobody’s exaggerating; the sample transfer process for the RYTM blows fiercely. I’m going to try to finish the process tonight.
IIRC someone at Elektron commented that overbridge will enable faster sample transfers in the future (I think he said something along the lines of “transferring via C6 is waayy too slow”?), so help is coming…
I’ve always been a bit restrained about transferring samples to my AR. Wouldn’t dream of dumping more than about twenty samps at a time
Use the version of C6 contained with latest OB, i’m sure they hinted it was less prone to ‘changing speed’ - plus, keep it simple, dump preconfigured files (if poss) in small batches