Analog 4 as fx processor

Not sure. I personally would be running an analog mono thru it.

But here is the same unit with simple drum loops. I’m looking for this sort of heaviness I guess:


You can use overdrive of the delay with delay time = 1 and feedback = 0, turn up OVR. It sounds actually really good…
Never tried with external sources, though.


This sounds really good indeed. Better than AH in that register I think.
I’d like to make further tests with A4. It would be interesting to know the JnH circuitry.

Control wise, A4 Perf Macros allow crazy things, stereo or not.

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I suppose one could get another of the RML pedals for that flavor of boutique fuzz and split the signal into the A4 inputs for all the other tricks. They have a compact pedal called the Electron Fuzz Mini that might work well.

I already have a germanium fuzz with feedback, I wasn’t satisfied with results on drums, but combined, why not.
I made a 2x2 Overdrive + 2x2 filters tests. Doesn’t sound the same but it can be very interesting. A4 can’t mimick germanium fuzzes but I’ll try again tomorrow, with pre / post drive as JnH.


Yes, interesting, even more with feedback and hp/lp fisters. I should try feeback with OT Cue too!

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Y’all don’t forget about key tracking the lfo and using an arp!
The delay can be used as a rudimentary looper at low tempos too.
I didn’t ever update after creating this thread, but I ended up with an analog keys and it is magic.
I use it for getting lost and crunching up my Digitakt. I have a piezo mic stuck to the AK that allows me to use the casing for percussion with the delay set as a very slow fading looper.
There are ways to control all 4 tracks with the joystick too. It’s a deep mysterious box.


I really liked the delay overdrive with very little feedback on acid-y basslines (much much more than the normal distortion) but ofc you can go pretty crazy.
Although I had good results using the normal dist with neighbour tracks.
Gotta try stereo filtering OT with distortion…

Only the active track, though (or you found a secret?)^^


Yep I used both, edited my post.

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I sure don’t feel sorry about reviving this post. Great ideas have emerge in the last hours. Thank you all.


Use track sounds

Great thread

I think it says everything about this synth that it’s still revealing secrets, 7 years after it came out!




Recently I’ve been really enjoying feeding it a stereo signal of a field recording or some atmospheric sound and imparting a ton of movement on it by using the 8 filters you have access to.

Something I’d like to begin experimenting with is using the A4 as a way to bring audio from my computer into my mostly hardware set up via overbridge, anyone have much experience here and any tips they’d be willing to share?

Would be really curious to hear how others are using theirs to process external sounds?

My bad on starting a new thread after only having a brief look, will search next time!

I really enjoy running drums through a stereo filter on my AK.
Two tracks, one processes the left input and the other the right input. I setup macros for stereo filter control.
It can sound so massive on drums, amazing!

A little offset between the two tracks can breathe live and movement, if you go crazy it starts to take the signal into chaos.
FM, AM and all the other goodies work with external input.

I usually prefer the sound of the multimode filter, but the ladder filter can also sound very nice and if you use the ladder filter for low pass, you can have high pass on the multimode filter.

My macros for such a stereo low pass and high pass filter setup are usually setup like this:

-One bipolar cutoff knob which counterclockwise low pass filter the signal and clockwise high pass filters the signal. No filtering at 12 o clock.

-Or one knob for low pass filter cutoff, one for highpass filter cutoff, but a combined resonance knob that controls resonance for both filters.

Envelope depth and evelope parameters for the filter envelope and lfos on macros.

And don’t forget the distortion! Distortion maxed out (-63 is reminiscent of a gated fuzz sound, +64 is more of an overdrive) with a snappy decay envelope can sound jummy. :yum: with longer decay and some sustain it starts to growl.



This is a great thread, lots of invaluable tips!

One thing I’ve been fooling around with is feeding the master output back into the external inputs, and then using two of the tracks as a new master output (tracks 2/4 in my case). Along with this, my iPad (running Drambo) is using the A4 MKII as an audio interface and running its output to tracks 2/4 as well.

Feedbacking the master track allows you to feedback the fx (into the filters) which has some wild consequences. Its honestly pretty unstable but I’m using performance macros and other tips from here to harness it. I’m also doing stereo filtering with the two sides out of phase alongside feedbacking.

The last cool thing about this is that I’m routing tracks 1&3 as separate stereo tracks to an external mixer, along with track 2+4 treated as a single stereo track. This allows for tracks 1/3 to bypass the feedback looping madness (but the fx still go into the madness, and you could route them through main if you wanted).

Not sure I’d recommend this for most use cases, but its great to add another layer to a noise set. I’m glad I gave the Analog Four a second shot, especially the MKII. Its so versatile, and the new updates are great :star_struck:


Hey, I know this was a few years ago, but maybe you remember: was the guitar really connected directly into the synth? No need for a DI box or preamp? I’m always afraid of mixing line/instrument levels and I should probably get over that

That sounded very very cool. Impressive.

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Thanks. It was an unexpected good surprise. :content:

Yes, straight in, no preamp or pedal, passive guitar. IIRC I used A4 drive and maxed all levels.

Yep. No risk at all. I also plugged passive guitars straight in OT and DN. Some says it is not possible without preamp…:wink:


Hi all, I have an issue and maybe some of you could help me:

I am sending DN outs to A4 MkI in, to use A4 as fx processor, and I am receiving a considerable amount of noise. yhis is only when I use “InL”, “InR” in OSC 1. I don’t have any noisy using only EXT in.

I guess because using OSC Ext In means using analog filter and, etc. But i don’t see anyone complaining about noise issues with this.

Can someone help me? maybe @sezare56

I don’t have A4 anymore, but I’m sure that using osc as inputs shouldn’t be that noisy compared to ext in.

Did you use initial sound ?

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Thanks @sezare56! What do you mean with “initial sound?

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