Analog Four 1.50A & Analog Rytm 1.60A

Welcome to the forum. And yes, it was added to the OT in OS 1.40, so now we’re waiting for the setting to be added to the Analogs (and the Digis). I’m sure it will be added to all eventually :blush:

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Rytm Dual LFO plz :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow, 2 years later. Has it really been that long for new Analogs firmware? :scream:

February 1, 2022.

Ah yeah. That was a small fix tho, right? I can’t check. The Elektron site seems to have broken links when I click on Release Notes. Unless, it’s because I always reject cookies? :thinking:

You are right about this.

Yea 2 years woah… :grimacing:

Apart from one Overbridge addition listed as an Improvement, it’s been bug fixes all the way since 1.50, released Sept 2020

List of changes from OS 1.51B to 1.51C

Bug fixes

Audio and sync could in some cases drop out when the device was used together with Overbridge.

List of changes from OS 1.51A to 1.51B

Bug fixes

The unit would on rare occasions freeze during certain operations e.g., project save/load.

List of changes from OS 1.51 to 1.51A

Support for updated production process.

List of changes from OS 1.50A to 1.51


Added Overbridge support for macOS Big Sur.

Bug fixes

Stopping the sequencer did not send a note off message over MIDI on channels that were set to send MIDI notes.

SysEx dumps could become corrupted when sent to certain computer software.

List of changes from OS 1.50 to 1.50A

Bug fixes

Velocity data was not recorded in STEP RECORDING and GRID RECORDING modes when using an external MIDI controller sending data on the auto channel.

The track’s scale was always reset to pattern scale (NORMAL mode) when loading a project from a previous version.

[MKII] The device needed to be switched off for an extended period of time to make it boot properly when switching it on again.

[MKI] The screen graphic dials for the DEPTH parameters in the performance setup and modulation setup menus only showed min, center, or max values and were not reflecting the numerical value.

Notes could get stuck when forwarding multiple incoming MIDI notes to an external device.

Trig preview did not replicate sequenced chords correctly on polyphonic tracks.

List of changes from OS 1.40B to 1.50


[MKII] The Analog Four MKII now supports class compliant audio over USB.

Added a new step recording mode for the sequencer. Press [RECORD] + [STOP] to enter STEP RECORDING mode.

Added the functionality to preview a single sequencer step (including its parameter locks) by pressing [TRIG] + [YES] in GRID RECORDING and STEP RECORDING modes.

Added a new parameter that makes it possible to set trig probability for all the trigs on a track.

Added a new trig condition value (100%) to the X% range.

Added the possibility to select all unused Sounds in the project’s Sound pool.

Added snap values for the LEN parameter on the TRIG page.

The selected tempo mode (PATTERN or GLOBAL) is now shown in the TEMPO screen.

The default tempo mode is now set to PATTERN.

Restructured the GLOBAL SETTINGS menu for better clarity and to harmonize the content across the Elektron product line.

Added the functionality that the tracks set to SEND MIDI now also forwards the incoming data from external MIDI controllers to the MIDI OUT port for control of an external device.

Changed the MIDI port name to read “Elektron Analog Four” over USB.

Added snap values for the LENGTH parameter when pressing [FUNC] + [UP]/[DOWN] in the SCALE menu.

Pressing [STOP] twice now also sends an All Sound Off message on MIDI channels.

Improved the visual feedback from the [REC] key in LIVE RECORDING mode. The [REC] key now blinks per beat independent of the sequencer position.

[MKII] The color of the [TRIG] keys now indicate which step functionality is being edited. E.g in Accent view, all trigs with accent are lit pink. The colors are Green/Pink/Yellow/Blue for Trig Mute/Accent/Note Slide/Param Slide.

[MKII] The color of the [TEMPO] key now indicate whether project or pattern tempo is used by blinking blue or green.

[MKII] Updated factory patterns and kits (available on factory reset).

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So, two and a half years really. LED brightness needs to be addressed but maybe it’s being held back for a major firmware update? Fingers crossed for Analog owners :crossed_fingers:


Like when you run out of hot sauce and you don’t want to go to the grocery store just for hot sauce but you also don’t necessarily have anything else you need to get right now, so you just end up lingering in a hot sauce-less purgatory.

(I ran out of hot sauce yesterday and am struggling with this dilemma.)


Internet stranger here, encouraging you not to procrastinate on your hot sauce-less existence. You got this.