Analog Four/Keys 1.40 & Analog Rytm 1.50

how did you set this up? which track on the A4 are you using to sequence the rev 2?

It was awhile ago now, but I think I used the CV track.

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cool thanks

are you still using the kboard pro with the A4?

I can’t seem to get the Pitchbend working at all :sun_with_face:

everything else is just fine with mod and breath control, aftertouch mapped but Pitchbend doesn’t respond at all.

with cc control over pitch I would loose that SnapBack character…


I am using Bitwig with a hardware instrument device with the MPE mode enabled. I am also using the K-Board Pro 4 controller script for Bitwig, from Keith McMillen Instruments. A4 track 1 is set to channel 2, track 2 set to channel 3, track 3 set to channel 4 and track 4 set to channel 5. Pitch bend range of K-Board Pro 4 is set to the maximum. The first half of the performance is without K-Board correcting (snapping?) and the second half is with it correcting as slowly as possible.

Edit 1: I’m traveling for a week starting tomorrow, so I will not be able to test until I return… possibly until early August. However, I should be able to reply back here if needed in the meantime.

Edit 2: Note, I’m not bending global pitch using a single slider above the keys… I wasn’t sure whether that’s what you’re trying to accomplish. I have per-key x-axis note bend working, as you can hear from the audio example above.

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I would love to accomplish both (slider with snap in & X-Axis)

Unfortunately the Global Pitch bend Option isn’t compatible with the A4 and therefore won’t do anything.

iam now using Performance Macros which are more easily accessible and easy to combine different macros or mute ‘em all.

this way I can use all the sensors of the Kboard for nearly every parameter and it is global.

the surface of the kboard is top notch but I would appreciate some more control software wise for different commands or alternative “standard” settings as iam not aware of things like pitchbend having some kind of cryptic standard… :cold_face:

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