Analog Four + Roland TM-2 Workflow Video

This is possible in the Octapad spd 30? It has 5 triggers…

OK, I thought you’re going to play the keyboard live in addition to your current patterns.

I’m not THAT good on the keys.
But an extra couple octaves and multi-map access while programming will be most helpful.

Been thinking about drum trigger units to replace my old Yamaha RM-50 (great unit, but it’s still a rack from the 90s). Been thinking about the Nord Drum 2 a lot, but remembered AdamJay’s posts about the TM-2 tonight, and that might work just fine for my needs as I’ve got scads of samples I could load in it. I don’t have an AK any longer, but I should still be able to trigger it from my Machinedrum with a couple of insert cables, or from my eurorack with adapters, right? I think my favorite method for drum programming I’ve found is sending triggers from the MD with random LFOs to control trigger sensitivity in order to create varying patterns-pretty amazing what you can get out of even a simple 16 step pattern with ghost notes etc. @AdamJay have you ever tried this with the MD? And have you found any of the internal sounds useable? It would be especially great if some of the acoustic sounds were passable enough to program some jazzy, Squarepusher-esque parts.

You can use midi to trigger from MD.
Each sound in each kit has a programmable note number.

There are usable on board sounds.

Found out the local Banjo Center had a TM-2 to demo, so I went down there yesterday with some insert cables and the Machinedrum. Overall, even just using the factory sounds, I dug it. I had to dial things in a bit more than with the RM-50 using insert cables, since the levels out of the MD would cause triggers not to fire on the other side of the connection, but that’s actually kind of a feature as it creates more of a choke and made for funkier patterns. I too wish there were more kits available, and I didn’t like how long it takes for kits to switch, especially since the sound drops out-I’d hoped to p-lock program changes to get more out of the unit. Still, it’s got a lot of potential for my needs so I’ll probably pick it up.

@AdamJay, by any chance did you look at the Yamaha DTX502 as well? It’s got a paltry sample memory and midi only over USB, but it has some other advantages over the TM-2 like more trigger inputs (useful for me at least with my modular), sound layering, midi CCs, considerably more kits with quick loading, and easy programming from iOS. I’m more inclined towards the Roland, if for no reason than that I can’t find enough good sound demos of it and the Yamaha is more expensive, but it has caught my eye as well.

Yea I saw the DTX502.
Opted for the TM-2 for greater portability, easy .wav loading over SD, greater sample memory, and the 4 trigger inputs were all I needed for my A4’s CV track.

If the DTX502 had the SD card and sample memory specs of the TM-2, I probably would have gone for it, instead.


Cool. So It should work with my Alesis Trigger IO ?

The TM-2 has its own trigger inputs and also translates those to MIDI note #s.
The Trigger IO would be redundant.

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Pulled the trigger on the TM-2. :thup:

I meant sending CV to Alesis IO triggers in order to send midi notes from A4.
It is more curiosity because I have an Octatrack.

Good to see a TM-2 being put to use in @DL’s recent live sets.

@DL - what are you doing with it , specifically?

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Left OT has 4 midi tracks dedicated to TM-2. Kicks, snares, shakers and long hats.
MIDI chain is OT->A4->TM-2, audio is TM-2->A4->OT.
Since I have second OT nowadays I use TM-2 mostly for less important percussions like shakers or layer hats.
TM-2 has only one Kit and I manually switch samples when I need to.

I don’t use A4 to trigger TM-2, I tried that, but MIDI is much easier. :slight_smile:

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Sorry digging up a dinosaur.

Did you ever figure out how to use velocity with the TM2 and cv/gate from the a4?



After fucking hours of looking, I finally found that a typical piezo drum trigger puts out 30v p-p, which means 15v above or below 0. I believe that we are only dealing with above zero, so the drum brain should be looking for voltages up to 15v, floor is probably above zero, so say from 1-15v. How do we program that via CV on the A4?

Hmmm, should be able to use CV (VALUE LIN) to send a baseline voltage, and tweak the VAL knob to adjust voltage, but it’s not working that way when I set it up. I can trigger the drums, but the knob is not changing velocity…

Precisely my experience, as well.

Anyone still using a TM-2 for drums, with an Elektron synth? (Digitone here).

I see that CV velocity wasn’t working, but I’m wondering if it does over MIDI? @DL, in case they remember.

Yep midi velocity works

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