Analog heat Blank screen and flashing buttons

Anyone else suffering a blank screen and flashing buttons on the Analog Heat? It powered up just fine but as I was downloading overbridge it’s gone haywire. I have done all the usual tricks such as powering down both Heat and my computer but no luck.

This is my second device as the third one was faulty. Seems like rotten luck.


I ended up having to send this box back

You mean it was your third one?

Sorry that was a typo. I was just hoping to add this to my ticket so that anyone with the same problem would know what happened. My experience was this.
1st machine was faulty. when powered up it said :“Not factory tested” on the screen and it did not function.
2nd machine was also faulty this time with flashing lights and blank screen.
Third one worked fine but I decided to send it back as I wanted to try and move away from a DAW. I bought a Digitakt instead and am loving it!