Analog Heat LFO sync/retrig to MIDI

Hey there,

I’m trying to work out how to retrig the AH LFO synced to sequencers like the AR or MD. I know I can set the LFO rate to be in sync with the BPM but I don’t find a way to, for example, have it consistently start the cycle on the first beat. Where the cycle starts seems to depend on the phase it was at when switching to this preset. I can’t find how to reset that synced to my sequencers.

Any ideas?


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Thanks, will try that.

Sounds cumbersome but better than nothing.

It works. :slight_smile:

@samvanlan continuing this here…

Sadly I haven’t been able to reset either LFO or envelope using @sezare56’s method and my Monomachine mk1.

Parameter lock on the last step of a pattern, changing either env threshold, lfo mode or lfo wave, then another param lock on the first step to set it back to the wanted setting. No effect. I do see the settings briefly change on the AH so the CC changes are arriving there.

But since I have the MM MIDI seq now setup I thought I could just use the LFO’s there to get it synced up. But I’m having a strange problem.

The MM MIDI tracks share the LFO’s with the corresponding internal synth track. It’s apparently the internal synth pattern that triggers the LFO, not the MIDI track. To sync the LFO I set it to trig mode with a trig on the first step of the internal track pattern. I need to unmute both the internal and MIDI track for this step to trigger. But there seems to be a MIDI CC conflict happening. I can see the filter freq param on the AH frantically trying to move with the LFO but something is pinning it back to a fixed value. So it’s jittering back and forth quickly.

If I set the LFO mode to free it runs as expected, but then it’s not necessarily synced to the pattern.

Getting a little frustrated with this. I think I’ll try the MD instead of the MM now.

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Ah… I solved it. Seems to be a MM bug.

This CC pinning happens when the trig on the internal track is an all-trig (amp+filter+lfo). When I remove the trig and mute the track the pinning releases and the LFO now runs in free mode. When I unmute and add the trig back but only as an LFO-trig it now works correctly and retrigs the LFO on the step.

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Ok well what I take from this is that you shall be a key ally in me getting the cc right with my rytm! You sound like you know what you are doing:).


Though I like showing disciples the path to wisdom this might be a short-lived adventure: the AR doesn’t have an external MIDI sequencer like the MM. It does send MIDI from its pad triggers and parameter tweaking, but AFAIK you can’t change the MIDI note numbers and CC numbers. So you 'd have to find the parameter that has a CC# associated with it that matches the AH parameter you want to control. To me that doesn’t sound like a fruitful exercise.

That said, I’ve had the AH and AR for over a year and never really needed controlling one from the other. I was curious to see it work since I had the gear to do it. really more nerdy curiosity than musical necessity.

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I’d check AH CV control parameters. An individual output of AR as CV source.
So it works with MnM? I didn’t practice that trick since I wrote it, planning to use it ag1in with a midi processor : any midi message triggering the 2 CCs.
A specific note you don’t use for example.

Next planned AH food : Machinedrum!
Acid test, Machinedrum only thru AH :


Wild :smiley:

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It works with MM but not using the AH lfo. I use the MM lfo to send CC to the filter freq.

CV from AR sounds like a good plan. My AR is away for servicing so can t try.

I avoid continuous midi lfos in general but if it suits you!
AH Envelope follower with lfo multiplier dest is unique and fun!

Note to self: explore envelopes more soon.

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Dang son… That’s sounds awesome!


@dtr ok I’m happy so far with the lfo syncing I’m getting by just having the heat receive clock.

Appreciating better now how rytm works with cc messages I’m staying far away from that but I might use cv to trigger.


@sezare56 that tune is tonally stunning. Excellent!

I just used heat to process an idea previously made on my rytm and then added an effected Moog sub phatty and some vocals for ambience etc. The heat creates so many weird tones to preexisting stuff. I wouldn’t have expected it. And about half way or a bit more in I have the square wave lfo modulating distortion (I think). Listen if you can!


Good sound! Like the vibe. Not many song writers around here I think :slight_smile:

The tone magic of a good distortion hé. It gets even better when you start sound designing and composing with the distortion already on it. Then you can really tweak the source sounds to bring out the best flavors.

Personally I 'd add some reverb or delay on the vocal.

Well done, I can tell your Heat fell in good hands :wink:


Yes, really good stuff. Some parts too dry indeed (reverb / delay), others may have less AH. :wink:

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As the great Nicolas Collins would have it: distortion is truth :wink:

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I appreciate the listen! I guess I am a minority here with the singer songwriter thing.

Haha about the distortion. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to help myself in future. The fact that the fuzz sounds like bit reduction and analog fuzz makes it addictive for me.

I like the offerings of more reverb/make it less dry. I essentially NEVER even consider reverb on a final mix, which is probably crazy (seems crazy as I type), and have usually kept vocals pretty dry too I guess. If anybody wishes to give specific suggestions I’d be interested. Cool!


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Opposite for me: i like to use reverb and delay as characteristic sound design elements, as opposed to subtle athmosphere additions. With vocals you ll wanna be thoughtful about where and how to apply, by risk of downing them out.

Rytm has very nice reverb and delay, though i really miss the gating that the machinedrum has on the reverb.

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