Analog Rytm MK 1 OS update

Hi everybody.

I have an Analog Rytm MK 1 with old 1.30D OS i want to upgrate to 1.60.
Do i have to make the 1.40 and 1.50 upgrate before i do the 1.60?
Also i have created programs on the Analog Rytm,whitch i would like to keep even after the upgrating of OS.
Is there any way how to do it? Can i store the Programs on my Computer via C6 Software,then make the upgrate and after copy the Programs back to Analog Rytm Unit? Or the C6 Software is workin only with audio files?
Or the only way,how to do it,is to write down the details about my Program/Paterns on paper and then try to recreat it? i hope not :slight_smile:
Im sorry if this are stupid questions,im not so familiar with this yet…

Thanks a lot.

With Greetings Marek

You can update the OS directly from any version to the newest one using Transfer. Regarding backup before doing that, I’ll let someone else answer as it’s always confused me! There’s no clear way to back up complete projects and all the samples, afaik.

(Also, all your projects will be backwards compatible on the new OS, but it’s always best to backup everything before just in case)

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