Analog Rytm MK1 or MK2?

If you don’t have a lot of other stuff and a lot of money, you could go for Mk2, otherwise go for Mk1 imo. You can get an OT and AR for the same price as Mk2. But you could also get an Mk2 sometimes for 800, so idk. Mk1s for good prices aren’t around too long, so if you like it, you can save up extra and sell for a Mk2 later.

Just to say that my impression is the screen issue is often resolved with a little attention

Thanks for the replies. I think I’m definitely leaning toward an mk1, but my original question was more about how much, if at all, the samples are colored by the mk2 AD converter. Maybe @bodymechanics was saying that it’s negligible, but I just want wanted to clarify

I’ve seen a lot of MK1s for under $700 shipped, in excellent condition and without screen issues.

Saves a lot of room in the budget for something like a Digitone, Model:Cycles, Eowave Swarm, etc.

Always been a fan of the MK1 footprint, but I understand the desire for that Quick Perf pot, sampling/resampling, and larger OLED screen. It’s good to have options, though. If you need other gear to run with it, the MK1 is a good value still. If you’re the kinda person that can rock a whole live set on just a Rytm thanks to its built in compressor and some well crafted synth sample chains, then the MK2 makes a great single box.
Choose what’s right for you.

Someone correct me if Im wrong, but I imagine the sampling uses the same conversion as OB. So to that end, it’s pretty clean.

Just to elaborate a little, the RYTM definitely makes samples sound amazing.
It seems to have some special sauce.
I imagine this is primarily about the filter and drive.
I would assume the internal recording on the MKII captures that perfectly, but I can’t confirm if it somewhat doubles down on that by resampling.
My guess is if there is any difference it’s so small you’d have trouble noticing.


Agreed, I wouldn’t split hairs over it. The analog VCAs, filter, dist all color the sound in great ways, harmonically, and the result is far greater than any negligible conversion coloration.


Another +1 for the mk1 form factor. OT & Rytm mk1 are the front row of my desk, with a shelf behind to hide the cable mess, and to stand various other synths on depending on mood.


So one more question about the mk1: have things been sorted out with importing samples? Seems like I’ve seen things saying transferring samples to the machine is kind of a pain and I think I’d be doing a lot of bouncing back and forth between the AR and my sp404

Transfer works amazingly well

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I have a long term plan to swoop up all mk1 versions of Elektrons for under £400 each. Thats the dark trinity original for a budget of £1k or so. Its going to get to those prices eventually and is a no brainer.

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just to reiterate, is sampling and the updated hardware the only difference?

no feature differences?

u can get the A4 for that price almost

just found an AR for 650,- euro

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Again someone correct me if Im wrong, but I think the USB chipset (or something) is different - better - and will probably be future proof for OB for quite sometime. I think there is already some difference between what mki and mkii OBs can do.

You damn right!
I had an OG dark trinity but swapped out the A4 for the AK.
I’m really glad I did too.
Nevertheless I miss performing with the tight little case I made for the Dark Trin with the A4.
I’d like to have back ups of each box too, as well as create sets using 2 identical boxes, like dualing RYTM’s or OT’s.
I’m gonna jump on your plan and keep my eye out for MKI’s at those kind of prices.
Also having an A4 that’s drum focused, and a RYTM that’s melody/bass focused would be incredible

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I think you get more tracks simultaneously with the MKII.
I never use OB like that so it’s not really on my radar.

There’s a performance knob on the MKII

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Yes and its only going to get lower so the plan can almost be implemented😀

CV inputs as well!

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There are more audio outputs too, that’s not little difference if you play this box alone for live/mix purposes