Analog Rytm Overbridge Ableton Drum Rack

ah, that are mono channels, damn…
got confused by ableton showing them as stereo in the dropdowns
(while actual mono inputs from my soundcard show up as mono there)

i have decided to try to focus on working with Pads 1,2,3,5,6,7,9 & 11.
like this i have 8 proper single outs & that should be enough for most i do with it.
no more mute groups though…

thats a limitation of the machine. in ableton i have each pad setup as a separate audio input, but rytm outputs (for example) the RS and CP together on the same output. there wasn’t a way for to split it into 2 channels in ableton, and duplicating the input would just double that channel’s volume and make inserting effects or other vsts complex. so pads 4, 8 and 12 have their audio ins muted. they still send separate midi data to the rytm, allowing for automation in ableton or controlling it with push or any other midi controller you’d like. but the audio in comes in on the shared channel/pad, just like the hardware works. hope that clears it for you.

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Hi guys. Hopefully someone out there can help me with this issue:

I was able to do this setup properly and each pad to correspond to the pad/tracks on the Analog Rytm. Im using Ableton Push to sequence the AR. All the pads play their corresponding sounds except, they are being triggered in what it sounds like Retrig mode (1/16th repetitions).

-There is no “repeat enabled” on my Push sequencer
-If I play any pad/track on the AR, it doesn’t play this way. It plays the normal one shot.
-If I use the mouse to trigger the pads on the drum rack, it still retriggers the notes
-“Always ON” Retrig mode on the AR is set to no
-I recently updated the AR OS to 1.22 and recently installed Overbridge which I unistalled right away thinking it might have something to do with this issue; currently is not installed.

Any ideas on how to solve this?


It’s a bug in the latest 1.22 OS updates when notes are triggered externally via midi.

I f***ng knew it!!

Is there a way to downgrade? Is it safe to downgrade?

That was driving me NUTS today until I figured out why that happened and fortunately I managed to solve it for now.
I changed all the track settings under left hand “retrig” menu from 1/16 to 1/1. At least this way the retrigging happens only if you keep the pads pressed for a whole bar…
This was one of at least five technical problems today at my rare free time session. Killed the mood pretty efficiently…

I currently work around it by using the “Note Length” MIDI plugin in Ableton, and Length set to around 100ms, but seriously surprised they haven’t pulled the update with such a serious issue.

I was wondering, does anyone know if its possible to use the Mutes on the RYTM while sending midi clips from Live to the RYTM? I am SURE I had it working before… but now I just can’t seem to figure it out… I absolutely love the mutes on the RYTM, they’re so great in Live performance.

IIRC this used to work, but an OS update changed the behaviour. Now the mutes work the same whether you’re sequencing externally via MIDI or via OB, which is, mutes only affect the AR’s onboard sequencer. I believe this is what Elektron intended, since originally mutes affected OB sequences as well.

This can be handy if you think about it - you can switch between internal and external sequencing, on e fly, by clever use of muting on send/receiving ends!

Ah, bummer. But yes I see your point, I quite liked the mismatch that happens between both.

But I loved using the mutes to mute the drumracks from Live.

Oh well!

Also, it doesn’t seem to work the other way round either.

If I am sending a mid clip out from Live to RYTM, I can’t mute any of the tracks in a drumrack. It has no effect on whats being sent to RYTM and it keeps sounding notes whether muted or not.

Well I figured out you can do it if u route individual outputs of the Rytm, but not when its all just coming out of L/R in OB.

I think this means for me then that I will sequence everything on the Rytm then, except for longer sequences which I can do in Live - but at the sacrifice of less performability / more pre-arranged thinking.

It’ not a bad thing I guess and maybe it’ll push me to use the probability modes more :slight_smile:

^ Interesting - will check this out ~

This is awesome. If there were a way to control Rytm parameters from Push that would be even better. Similar to what this user created for Analog 4:

It’s not on the Ableton side, but that new CV splitter cable that Elektron put out can be used on the AR to split the duo-mono tracks into 2 separate signals… so, you’d have a spend a bit to do it on all of the duo-mono outputs, but that’s 1 sure-fire way. $25 for one splitter.

Just use mono inputs to your audio tracks or external instruments or whatever you’re using…

Hi, thanks for the rack, it’s amazing!
I waa trying to make one myself but it is really handy.
I have a problem though: I move a parameter on the rytm, I can see the knob moving in OB, everything is set up correctly (automation arm etc) but I cannot record automation.
I can record midi notes from ableton to the rytm and from the rytm pads into ableton, but no luck with automation. Even moving the OB knobs with the mouse doesn’t get recorded.
Any help?

Thanks a lot

I believe you have to configure the actual plugin in ‘devices view’ in Live. Fold out the plugin, hit configure, then tweak your parameters as desired to populate them in the device window. Then, you can automate those parameters from there IIRC

Is it fair to say that if you Multi Track, you loose AR Distortion and Compression???

To avoid duplicating voices you have to disable routing to the main tracks which in turn means loosing the master effects, unless you have send effects routed to the fX tracks that in that case they do go through the master effects.

