Analog Rytm Vs Machinedrum

I’m either a good producer or experienced with elektrons machines, but I would like to hear your opinions about the differences between the AR and the MD. I have some anxiety because I just got the MD a few days ago and i’m afraid that maybe the AR would have been the way to go. But done is done.

What do you think?

Analog Rytm = 8 voices
Machinedrum = 16 voices


I guess, if you’re a guy who is using the MD only for analog emulation, then by all means get rid of it.

and I suppose the AR sequencer will have some nice perks (PUN ALERT) which are not in the MD… obvious candidates are micro-timing, polyrhythms…

but if you like the digital/glitchy/experimental aspects of the MD, and especially the MDUW, I say keep it…
CT-AL machines?

the AR will not be able to sound like this:

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I would so miss the FM synthesis if I sold the MD. There’s so much more to percussion synthesis than just analog, which is why the sample capability is in the AR.

I’m sure the AR is going to be an inspiring creative machine but I don’t see it making everyone’s MDs redundant.

Id say you are likely wrong, since the AR handles samples and has “beat oriented performance controls” the AR is likely going to be BETTER at this kind of stuff than the MD is.

yeah guess we’ll have to wait & see what the sample engine will do…

I’m surprised everyday at what insane sounds the Analog Four can make… largely due to performance macros, sound locks & arpeggiator… no doubt the AR will be able to go to mad places with its combo of analog + sampling…

still, creative RAM resampling in the MDUW is super unique…
the OT has a powerful sampling engine that, on paper, surpasses the MDUW’s sampling engine in every aspect, but tbh I haven’t heard anything from the OT which gets even close to the vibe of the MDUW.

16 tracks vs 8

A4 can do percs successfully, but using up a voice or two always left me wanting a MD. The UI of the MD is the most immediate one for percussion purposes especially in live situations. AR would be nice to do off grid stuff, one shot samples, looping and setting cue points more of the dj stuff that all the new cdj controllers/mixers offer in their pads section

Yes this video is interesting, but all those possibilities of the MD can’t be used during all live acts because of the pathetic and obsolete sequencer of the MD, which imo is the worst of the market. If you play linear dance music, you can appreciate the MD, but if you want more versatility in your compositions, If you want to change pattern on the fly and if you use other gear, just forget the MD. With the MD, you press play, and then you just tweak. Ok, but this is not enough for me. A real sequencer is a priority.

Just wait before selling your MD…

'cause something tells me that Mr Dataline will prove that both MD + AR are a great combo in a plausible forthcoming video jam :alien:

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :wink: that’ll probably be the case. the MD has been out there for a while now but the new machine is analog and the MD is not. with all elektron’s machines is just a matter of taste now :slight_smile: you can go digital or analog (or both), either way, you’ll end up with a great machine

Analog Rytm = 8 voice + samples

I think the Machinedrum has major competition

Analog Rytm = 8 voice + samples

I think the Machinedrum has major competition[/quote]
Maybe, but I maintain the MD goes way off into territory of its own.

Now, having both would be TITS.

Yeah, the MD FM is outstanding, super-musical. Fascinated as I am by the Shiny New Thing that is the AR I still find the MD extremely interesting.

Analog Rytm = 8 voice + samples

I think the Machinedrum has major competition[/quote]
Maybe, but I maintain the MD goes way off into territory of its own.

Now, having both would be TITS.[/quote]
I in no way put down the machinedrum… it’s a great machine.
but if you can only afford or need one there’s some tough choices

Wow, not true for me…at all. Just saying.

Oh, I understand. :+1:

I can’t imagine anything coming between me & my MD. Having said that , from the little I’ve seen, the AR definitely appeals!
Bet they’ll go great together which will be what Elektron planned I suspect!

Id say you are likely wrong, since the AR handles samples and has “beat oriented performance controls” the AR is likely going to be BETTER at this kind of stuff than the MD is.[/quote]
I second that. AR may be analog. But I think it’s potential sound design capabilities will be far from limited to the “808 convention”, (which is were digital and most VA falls short). Especially since its gonna have an sample on each pad and analog master Comp and Distortion which I assume can all be locked to (and changed with) the sequencer. Hopefully we can retrig samples like with the OT, then we’ll really be talking.

The MD is its own thing. It won’t become obsolete now the the AR is out. Analog is great, and is definitely all the rage with the kids these days, but it isn’t the end-all-be-all of sound creation for all people. And you can sample any analog source into your MD with great results. Trust me!

Also, I almost always use more than 8 tracks for my rhythms. Some people will want the analog sound, and others will want 16 tracks.

The AR is going to be great, no doubt about it, but I wonder which I would choose if I didn’t already own an MD, and had both in front of me. 16 tracks and all sorts of awesome synthesis types still makes the MD a heavy weight contender.

My point is, don’t let the analog hype deter you from loving your new MD completely! It is still a super bad ass machine.

As an MDmkII (no UW) owner id prob be tempted to sell and buy this,
if financially i had more money, i would keep them all, but sadly not the case
any ideas how much this will sell for? id guess similar price to A4 like 1000€