Analog303 kit : ) (AND dual303-kit)

I love it!

Ah, clever!


I’m trying to tame this kit and get a 303-ish sound from it, but it’s not going go great :slight_smile:

Should I be parameter locking the filter and resonance between trigs and use slide to make the values slide?

Are you changing nodes as well ? (maybe only the filter?)

Are you guys also using performance trigs? (I think they’re called that, the trigs that only trigger parameter change and no sound)

I guess that my understanding of how the acid line concept is built up. Just watched this video that helped tremendously.

Basically an explanation of how this sound is synthesised.

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Just normal trigs. Apply some note slides (en make sure the length af the slid note overlaps with the start of the next one.

Apply accent to a few steps

Make sure only to use the performance page for tweaking

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Pretty cool little tool I’ve just stumbled across here, thanks for making it.

Is the middle position of WAV supposed to sound thin?

I’m on MKII so I’m wondering if the synth engine difference is the reason


I didn’t intend it to, but it does.

Reason for that is simple:the wave knob increases the volume of one osc, while decreasing that of the other. In the middle position both oscs are on at 50 % volume. Add to that the fact that pulse and saw are out-of-phase with eachother on A4…
…There’s the thin sound. If there would have been a button to map the wave selection to, I would have used it; I used the wave knob only in either extreme setting.

Btw: Don’t have an analog 4 anymore; sold it 2-3 yrs ago.


A bump for 303-day!

Happy 303 everybody!