Any DSI Evolver love?

Now I’m torn between offering my Desktop Evolver for sale and switching up to a PEK later or just doubling down on the Desktop.

Feel free to DM me if you are interested in my MED. Depending on where in the world you are, I may be willing to let it go.

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If I could afford it I would buy this MEK straight away. But I wouldn’t sell my desktop beforehand, I couldn’t be evolver-less!


Looks sharp with black cheeks too!


I have a Mono Evolver Keyboard that had the original encoders. They had an issue that caused them to wildly skip values or not change values at all. Dave Smith suggested Deoxit which sometimes helped but not reliably so.

The keyboard versions had encoders with a smooth travel. He offered boards a choice of potentiometers or the detented encoders used on the Desktop Evolver. Those encoders worked well - the detents only counted for certain parameters. Other parameters changed smoothly.

Yes, I also have a Desktop Evolver. I love these things.

The pots were offered because of complaints that the encoders made it harder for users to do accurate filters sweeps or something like that.

I prefer the encoders on a programable synth with presets. I find having to reset the pots to the value to be more annoying than not.

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I had a desktop Evolver…while I loved the sound I just couldn’t get along with the matrix style programming and the three digit screen or w/e it was.

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I want I want I want!
However would require organ or child sale in current financial situation :anguished:

There was a member of one of the old DSI forums (I cannot recall which or his name, sadly) who had a PEK + two PER setup. He would record these beautiful tracks that mimicked a church pipe organ.

The Evolvers got a bad rap for being noise machines. They can do so much more.


EVOLVER synthesizer space Jam :milky_way: :vulcan_salute:
Mini live session: Main sounds are created on the Evolver, i used the Octatrack for voice & birds samples
and a lot of effects


I have a rev 2 and absolutely love its sound and interface, and was wondering if the evolver may make a good partner for it.

Can anyone offer any experiences when it comes to this synth, in terms of playing and programming it? What do you like / dislike about it? What’s easy / hard to achieve with it?

Would love to hear sound examples.

It’s an amazing box, the matrix works well for programming it, but there is a learning curve and the 3 letter display and cryptic terms mean you need a couple of lists at hand. It’s a strong synth and likes to dominate a mix but it can be mellow too. The modulation possibilities are huge if you like experimenting and it has 3 excellent delays, so you can use 1 for a flanger easily and still have another 2! The Sequencer is great and you can sequence the VS waveforms. There are 4 Sequencers and they are basically Mod sources so you can assign them to anything.

The downside is that there is a learning curve involved and some people just don’t bond with the matrix interface although I thought it was pretty clever/good myself. It’s essential to set yourself up with a few init presets for sequences, synth voices etc… to use as starting points. Trying to edit someone else’s preset would be a bit like stumbling around in the dark although fun until you know it well. There used to be an unofficial guide PDF you could get that was really good as an introduction, I’m sure it will still be around on the net somewhere.

If you think the Matrix might be a challenge the Keyboard definitely looks much friendlier.

I did sell mine a couple of years ago after owning it for a decade or so, I miss it but fancied a change. One day I’d love to have a poly evolver at least for a while, that would be a lot of fun. I’m surprised DSI didn’t make an Evolver 2 at any point, it’s such a unique instrument.


I don’t know why they discontinue synths such as these including Tetra, Mopho, Evolver etc. They’re missing a trick IMO.
These synths are unique they just don’t make good stuff these days, my own opinion of course.
Are you listening DSI? Just saying! :+1:

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They… evolved.

Evolver birthed the Pro 2 (DSI/Sequential pinnacle synth, IMO)

Mopho/Tetra birthed the Prophet 08, and then onto the Rev 2.



It would still be nice to have them still being produced tho? They’re still popular now. Pro2 is such an amazing synth too but I’d still love to see the little desk tops still in production, speaking from an old school synth lover of 40yrs that is :+1:

Would be nice, yes, but disastrous financially for a company to continue making such products rather than newer products.

The market evolves with or without them and if they want to stay in business they have to dedicate their resources to new products as well.


I’m hopeful that now they are in the focusrite/Novation family it might see some interesting lower end gadgets. Most of their synths are way outside of my price range these days.

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Love DSI products, agree with what you’re saying tho. I think I’m just stuck in the past and thinking out loud :slightly_smiling_face:

Well the Rev 2 is selling well which was a follow up to the pro 8, I don’t see an Evolver 2 being any different really? I think they could apply some of what they’ve learned over the years back to a fresh look at the Evolver, it was the synth that restarted the company and I’ve heard it’s a personal fave of DS. Time for a 20 year anniversary update.

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This one?
evolver guide carbon111.pdf (1.1 MB)

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Thank you for the response, that’s really useful.

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Nice one for linking this :+1:.

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