Any DSI Evolver love?

As a sequencable stereo filter, delay, bitcrush, distortion box it’s surely worth you trying it out if you’re into that sort of thing. Maybe you would like it?

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If you’ve not read it already, this guide is well worth stepping through with the device. It has a section in using it as an effects unit:

Personally I like the sound of the effects - lots of range there, the filters sound great, and the delay in particular is very powerful.

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Can someone please help me my Evolver is driving me crazy?! Finally got around to trying to process an external signal and the signal isn’t getting through. I have the external input set to stereo and have the external gain up but don’t hear a peep of what I am feeding it. I bought this second hand and still don’t know it and am not sure if some parameters which the previous owner might of changed could be causing my strife. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated…

I have consulted the guide above and think I’ve done everything it told me to do.

Have you raised the level of the amp above zero or set the trigger mode to trigger the amp envelope? The level needs to be non-zero for sound to pass, if I’m not mistaken.


Oh, that could be the case, thanks. Will check!

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Does anyone know if the DSI forum is still operational? I tried to register and after multiple attempts I never received any confirmation email. This fracking thing is driving me crazy. Is it true there is no way to reset the Evolver to factory settings without doing a dump etc?

I think a Sysx dump is the only way, The VCA level was not the issue then?

Sadly no and I basically went through the mod matrix one slot by one slot turning the encoders in every direction except the settings which have been mentioned which I kept fixed. The lights do show it’s getting a signal but I can’t get any output on my mixer… I know it’s something really stupid but after 2hrs I decided I’d better quit for the day.

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I’ll try to end your suffering. Row 7 - Trigger Select - choose one of these three “Ei”, “Eir”, “EiC” (there will not be a dot on any of the i’s).

Ext in Vol and Ext in Mode to control volume and whether or not it’s stereo etc. I know you mentioned this above.


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Factory reset or try this is from the Mek manual also check your os version


Does anyone know how to sync the desktop evolver to something like a digitakt or syntakt?

I want to hit play on the elektron box and have the sequencer start up on the desktop evolver so I can jam along.

I looked it up in the manual and I can’t seem to figure out something so simple despite trying many things.

Hopefully I’m right with my thinking here … As long as MIDI is set to receive in the global parameters, I think this is relating to the value of the Trigger Sel parameter. What type of behaviour do you want? If you want only the sequencer to gate the envelopes, you can set it to “SEQ”; if you want both MIDI and sequencer to gate the envelopes, you can use “ALL”. There are other options there too but from what you’ve said, maybe “ALL” is what you want?

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I had some confusing times with the sequencer, I can’t remember which mode I use but it was in these settings

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Elektron- Send Clock and Transport

DSI- Midi Clock to In, Midi Rec to All, Trigger Select to All

Just make sure that Trigger Select isn’t on audio/input trigger.


Thank y’all! When I did the NnC option that worked when I put trigs on the syntakt. Gonna keep exploring too.

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