Any DSI Evolver love?

"sick super deluxe psychedelic cruise "

If Jack Kerouac did gear reviews this would be what they were like…and also totally spot on, I love my MEK !


This little ditty is all MEK


Nice , which parts were done with evolver?

And which other synths and drum machines?

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Cheers! All done with the MEK. Drums too. I like to go old school sometimes and see what I can get out of just one instrument. The Evolvers have a rep for having a certain kind of sound but I’ve always thought they’re pretty versatile


For anyone interested there’s a nice looking MEK for sale on Ebay here in the UK. Collect only from Barnsley, South Yorks. £700 looks a fair price too.

No connection to me, just stumbled upon the ad.


@ddiamond84 Gotta Catch 'Em All :slight_smile:

Drums & voice sample on octatrack, any other weird sound Evolver DSI :heart: :joy:
i let myself go


Lovely track. Haunting and beautiful, with a very heavy pulse. Wonderful.

wow thank you so much!

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This is so awesome. Kudos!!!

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This is great just listened in the car a nice track indeed, more please :+1:
I like the style

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You into the Evolver much @Alienna or is this a phase? I got a Mono Evolver Keyboard I never quite got my head around, but whenever I hear someone with skill and talent like yourself work the Evolver, I feel like I’m missing out (and the Prophet 12 became my weapon of choice, so there’s that too).

Thank you for listening, much appreciated :star_struck:

Hiii @circuitghost
if it’s a phase, it’s a long one, :heart: in comparision to my other machines i play differently with the Evolver.
in the beginning i used to play with it in a standalone set-up (using the internal sequencer, but i’m not sure if i really like how it works, it often takes me out of my flow)

or lately: alongside the octatrack, midi sequencing the evolver; i find this more comprehensive to work with.
I play with the Evolver a lot and it’s really fun and surprising, it can make layers of sound in a weird uncompromsing way, don’t know else how to desribe.
i often forget to record and that sucks because i never get exactly the same sound out of it again, and most of the time i also forget to save the sound :panda:

I use it sometimes without any additional reverb but for more ambient experiments, a good reverb pedal also does magic.
I never use it with the intention to make a track, but always with the intention to jam. I don’t know why this is.
My suggestion would be: Just turn it on, play without too much overthinking :slight_smile: it will evolve :heat:.
PS. thank you for listening
PSS. love your work!


Hey, thanks for the insight and advice, and I’m flattered you enjoy my work. I’ve been listening to yours for maybe a year or two now, I keep coming back to it. The movement and progression, and that contrast between beautiful and suggestive sounds and that sharp, harsh tone from maybe a grinding beat or a drone on repeat, it’s very captivating.

I agree there’s a very special tone to the Evolver, and it felt like it always eluded me when I tried to learn it. Though I had the same experience with the Prophet 12 for quite some time, before I learned it, so like all things, you gotta put in the time if you’re committed, else you’re just not … well, committed, I suppose :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing this and your music, looking forward to whatever you got coming next. You should have your own thread here on Nauts, your presence and music certainly warrants it, in my humble opinion.


This is my favourite thing about the Evolver - I don’t have any other synths like that (and I wish I had the money & space for the keyboard version, but the desktop will do).

I mean show me another synth that does this by itself when you turn it on (and a hundred other variations of this)!


I’ve never had a synth that took me to unexpected places or gave me so many happy accidents like the evolvers.

@circuitghost the prophet 12 desktop is simply incredible sounding and I’m so glad I got one. That said, the evolvers are just inspiration machines for me, and after getting the poly mono and desktop versions, I feel complete in my synth journey (thought certainly not stopping!)



That was a beautiful. I love the minimalism and shifts from subtle changes in the drums. Can a track be both relaxing and panic inducing at the same time? Can I find inner peace and still be reminded that I’m late for work?

I have a desktop Mono Evolver and ended up getting an MEK as well. They pair up nicely as a duophonic synth or for layering two different patches.

Funny thing is, I feel more comfortable on the desktop. Maybe it’s the size of it. Perhaps not having a keyboard in front of me lets me focus on diving deep into the insane mod matrix.

It is the synth that I pull out when I just need to relax by coming up with sounds. I can sit in front of it for hours. For coming up with sequences that fit into a piece of music, the internal sequencer is definitely clunkier than that on my Machinedrum. For coming up with out there sounds and drones, it can’t be beat.


I found two things that helped with capturing the essence of the Evolver.

The first is reading Anu Kirk’s Definitive Guide to the Evolver. He posted it not so long after the initial Evolver was released and it is still widely available.

The second thing for me was to cranking up the VCA volume to the max so it drones. I set the filter to something and force myself to ignore it. Then I go into submenus and start twiddling at random while trying to remember what I’m doing. It gets hard and I sometimes plug it into that old software editor just to see what I did.


I agree! Really rare to get this to that level in a desktop unit I think.

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