Any Shared System/Make Noise enthusiasts here? Building one and need some opinions/advice

QPAS is a wonderful filter, but you possibly won’t get as much out of it without a stereo voice to put into it. Modular sequencing is a kind of a different beast to step/piano roll style sequencing, much more about setting up a system of rules and seeing what emerges rather than explicitly saying “this will happen here, then this will happen here”. It’s worth getting a taste to see if it’s something you dig (those Make Noise videos are great examples of this and may sell you on the rest of the Shared System), since it’s a very cool aspect of modular. Personally I have a mix of sequencer building block modules (trigger sources, logic, clock dividers, comparators etc) and modules that can get my hardware sequencers/DAW involved; both good in their own way.

I definitely get the perspective of getting a prebuilt manufacturer system because they’ll have made educated choices about which modules go well together, but if you don’t think you need/want the other things Make Noise put in their shared system (or otherwise have available), I really think it’s worth looking at other manufacturers while you build out the rest of your case.

Pretty much all of modular has the same design philosophy (voltage can go up and down) - the main (maybe only?) point of divergence is that some modules spit out/expect -5V to +5V, some 0 - 5V, some 0 - 8V, some 0 - 10V. Even single manufacturers aren’t consistent about this (eg. with MN, some Morphagene parameters need a full 8V to sweep the full range whereas others just want 5V), so it’s not really something you ever avoid. Utilities that can bridge these gaps (attenuvertors and offsets) are small + cheap, or you can verify that other modules you’re looking at operate within the same kind of voltage range as your modules ahead of time if you’d prefer to not have those in your case (one very good thing about MN is there are a healthy number of built in attenuvertors in their modules).

Also, if you’re not certain what you want to put in there yet, don’t put anything there yet! See how patching what you’ve got feels, and you’ll start to realise there’s something that would really bring it together, and you might not have anticipated it before.

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Thanks for the insights! I was actually thinking about filling up 14-18 hp with utilities. But I wanted to see what I actually need before buying.

Yup bought one a year and half ago so cool and fun to make weird soundscapes and Rene v2 is great. I did add a Brains to it so would work with Pressure Points. Hard to find them in stock and when I bought mine over a year ago it was only one that I could find online new for sale.

Brains is discontinued now, unfortunately.

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I also built up an almost all MN system inspired by the Shared System over the last few years.

Mimeophon is amazing and I would recommend highly (I am much more a delay person than reverb person) and so now maybe not surprisingly I didn’t find the Erbe-Verb to be that great (I did not have it that long). It’s fun cv controlling all the parameters but I did not think it sounded that good (I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a SupErbe-Verb soonish as its getting a bit long in the tooth DSP/algo wise). Totally get others who feel differently.

I just ordered a Rene 2 (yet to arrive) after using a Rene 1 for 1/2 year and I will say having the earlier version I think clarified a lot of things that may have been overwhelming or confusing if I went straight to 2. But after using 1 the layout of 2 makes sense from afar and looks more elegant than 1 (even with the additional pages/functionality).

The fact that the Tempi saves along with the Rene is… smart of MN because they are literally made for each other. Tapping Multiplications/Divisions in is great and I can’t see not having that in a clock divider in the future. The menu diving is frustrating though and not particularly intuitive. I would get a clock divider of some sort though.

Probably good to have some sort of sequencer or sequential voltage source (maybe an o ctrl if you go outside the case?). Or some sort of 4-8 step something.

I had a QPAS and think it’s a robust filter and the multiple outputs are a lot of fun. I like the 2 pole response. Ultimately my system isn’t very stereo so I begrudgingly sold it and replaced it with a MMG. There are times I miss the QPAS though… it can go from smooth, grainy to metallic textures and of course the formant filtering and patchability are top notch. But it can sometimes get “mushy” if you are using in mono because so much can be happening. (Ultimately I’d love to try a Three Sisters whenever they make them again.) If you absolutely want a filter maybe this is the one place you don’t go MN.

EDIT: I thought of one other thing… although you are planning on driving the modular from Ableton/OT I would advise you to consider focusing on the modular itself w/o outside tools… instead of sequencing “from a source” you can do more “circular” sequencing etc… definitely worth considering!


sad but true and I was able to pick a new old stock brains a year ago.

Something to consider indeed, cheers.

I would recommend a pams workout over a tempi. 2 more channels it has and much more functions it can do.

Rene v2, i have mine for 3 or 4 years. Its great, its inspiring, its good for perfomances and what not! But somehow still looking for another sequencer because there is no auto-save, the pitch cv is not always „thight“ (sometimes note jumping when using external quantizer) …. But then, rene has some tricks on its own which makes it special like the 2 clocks in per channel + mod in per channel for different sequencer functions, logic on the gate outs. And you get a somehow related rhythm on the 3rd channel gate out. Did I mentioned it hasn‘t auto-save? So everyday you switch it on it feels like new day in Jamuary starting from a blank paper (or the last saved state).

Minmeophone, don‘t know… at the end of the day its just a delay with a reverb called „multizone-color-repeater“ (or so). But its still just a standard delay with a reverb. I miss some charakter in sound. I love the strymon magneto for that. So its come down to a matter of taste. My taste are tape delays. Whats your taste?

Not a Make Noise module. The downside of a single-manufacturer system is that, unless that manufacturer is Doepfer, one’s options are restricted.

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Got great deals on a RenéV2 and a Mimeophon, so those are covered.

Now only, if I stick to my og-plan, I would have to buy a Tempi and a PP.

Not ruling that out in the future, but the force is very strong to keep it all Make Noise… Could always resell and mix up my case in the future of course.

I can achieve a lot tapeness (is that a word?) with the combination of Phonogene and Mimeophon, I figured. Maybe I am wrong, but gonna find out!

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At the end, best is find out for yourself what inspires you. Keep in mind, that is not always the module with the fanciest name :slight_smile:

Btw. What about optomix, lxd and moddemix? I didnt like the ringmod sound of moddemix, but its great as a vca for cvs!

The pitch wobble of the mimo can be strong (depending on the modulation source) so it can sound more chorusy (???) then the magneto.

Yeah, I already have the Moddemix and the Optomix, both very understandable for a beginner like me. (have to figure out their other tricks later). The only thing I asked myself today is: does the SS have enough mixing capabilities?

I started typing this a few nights ago (ah, the joy of being a new parent) - now I see you have bought some things. I’ll still post for future interested parties.

I love a Make Noise thread!! And I remember you from the other thread, congrats! They are my favorite manufacturer and I have a lot to say about them. I’ve had almost every module of theirs, so here are some thoughts. Long post, so I’ve divided into sections, the modules I couldn’t “live” without have an asterisk next to their name.


Rene’s: I wish I had Rene 1 back. With Rene 2 I don’t like that I have to load states or remember what notes are in a state. It’s hard to explain without trying both but I don’t use what the 2 adds and I wish it was simpler.
Brains. It’s a neat little add on but I never saw it as super useful.
*0-Ctrl : super handy as a control surface, clock and sequencer.
Sequencing outside of an MN system - Challenge yourself to not use external sequences for a while. Use the left side of the DPO as a clock. Use the phonogene as your clock.


Pressure points. I didn’t get it at first, I thought I could replace it with another touch key option or MIDI sequencing but that missed the point. It’s the pressure, it’s the unquantized pitch, it’s that each If I replace it with a keyboard I might as well just replace the whole thing.
I saw a guy in the park playing a four note marimba like instrument. He got a ton of mileage out of those notes. I thought about expanding using the Analog Memory attachment, but never could think of a use for that many CV destinations from one trigger.
Teleplexer. Puzzling, never enjoyed using.


*QPAS - Great filter. Usable both as a tamer of the more intense frequencies and a modal voice on its own. I don’t “need” the stereo features, but I’ll never say no to an extra output.
MMG. I’ve owned a few different MMGs and they each behaved so differently I cannot recommend. One resonated beautifully and I used it as an Oscillator. One sounded great but only self oscillated for the first few minutes my case was turned on. The third was dead weight, more like a volume knob than a filter.
QMMG - The resonance gets unusable very quickly, but it is really handy to have a vca, lpg and two filters times four. I wish there were more modules where you could switch modes and it would change the whole patch.


*Maths is amazing and enough modulation for two rows. (You don’t have to modulate everything in every patch.) This is a module I can definitely see having two of but when I’ve had two in the past, one of them almost always went un-patched.
Function is cool to have also. Two functions does not equal one maths.
Tempi I don’t think I use it correctly, I couldn’t learn the button combos and the different states confuse me. Still I prefer this over other options (Pamela’s various workouts, Tempe-Utile, etc) as I don’t like the menu . If you have the interest or patience in the bus board capabilities, you can go deep.
*Wogglebug - one of the key elements of the system. Try it as an audio source! Try using it to modulate itself!
Contour - If you must have more than A and D in an envelope, this is the quicker way to do it in an MN system. I wasn’t wowed enough by it to keep it.


Erbe verb - a cool reverb. I use it more as an end of chain passive effect but it is capable of a lot more. The CV output is handy and another reason why you may not need a second Maths right away.
Echophon - I love the character of this delay, I would have been totally fine if MN never came out with a new delay, but…
*Mimeophon - Way more than a delay. Almost up there with Morphagene in terms of multi-use. I use it like one of those old digitech pedals as a mini-looper also. Dont count on this for reverb, the ‘halo’ is more smearing of the delay than a reverb effect.


*Morphagene - this is a noisy module! But what it does is magic. I feel like it doubles the capabilities of any system it is in as a kooky tape machine and granular computer.
Phonogene - it’s got a cool gritty sound. limited recording time compared to the Mgene can be
a fun constraint.


XPO. This is one of the only MN modules I haven’t owned. Very intrigued by all the outs, but I tried it out and as I expected it didn’t compete with the DPO.
STOs, I once had four of these in one case, I loved them so much. The varishape, the sine the sub, all sound amazing
*DPO - the very best. Great base sound, really easy to get something wild going. The hard part is reeling it in and not going full UFO ambulance.
Telharmonic - I liked the sound of it, but some of the noise engineering modules quickly overshadowed this. Whenever I wanted chords I went outside modular.
Mysteron - odd character but not versatile enough to keep in my rack. Kind of a karplus strong string kind of sound


Dynamix. Could have left it in the 0 coast. Neat to have the option but not distinct or useful enough. Maybe in 4 hp.
Lxd. This is a great little module! Could sit well next to a QPAS.
Optomix. The unsung hero of the case. It’s never thrilled me but makes every patch much more pleasant.
Moddemix. A super useful vca, I get all kinds of starved robot sounds out of it.
Xpan. I had imagined using it like a Cold Mac, a bunch of utilities in one that would get my patches swirling and make mixing easier. It was surprisingly dull in use, I wish there was a twist of some sort. Took a very large amount of power also.
Rxmx/fxdf. A very cool combo! It lent itself to the same kind of patch most of the time, which required a lot of the same kind of modulation . It’s out of the case for now. (see also the Ctrl File)
Rosie. The Rosie’s I owned were unusually noisy but did the basic trick.
Xoh. This is probably what I wanted when I had the Rosie, I would get if I didn’t have the CV bus.
*CV bus - essential. The utility is so simple but necessary. Horizontal mults, brilliant!
Mixing in an MN system- it’s an interesting challenge! I use the effects and morphagene a lot more as faders from wet/dry than I use the optomix or moddemix.


a cute trick but not necessary. I find its another variable to have to keep track of in a mix. I like what the XPO and QPAS do but I don’t feel the need to be surrounded by every sound source all the time.


Don’t buy more. Definitely don’t plan a whole new system around things you think the MN system lacks
Hold off for as many weeks as you have new modules.
Challenge yourself to make a patch with three modules, preferably selected at random.
Explore big and little changes.
Protect your ears. Shit gets hot quick.

My Current System

My current system is a shared system minus pressure points and echophon but add a qpas, mimeophon and a QMMG


No. Or utilities in general imo. Granted, props to MN for slapping attenuators on most control inputs.

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Wow! Thanks for the effort! Lots of interesting stuff.

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