Any tricks for triplets on RYTM

Is there triplets yet? I am using the ReTrig for triplet rolls but you can’t use P-locks so doing filter sweeps or pitching snare rolls isn’t possible.

Anyone know a better way or is it just micro timing?

I made this from a pic above but don’t have a rytm with me so can’t tell what the “?” should be :stuck_out_tongue:


Below is a graphical representation of triplets and how to use them with AR.

1/4T , 1/8T , 1/16T , 1/32T & 1/64T

They can be achieved with Elektron sequencer with the help of :

  • micro-timing or
  • retrig

The first line is not a triplet. It’s our usual 4-beat (quarter notes) sequence for reference.

Inside the red square are the TRIG numbers and the associated micro-timing between parenthesis.

At the far right, you can see their equivalents with the RETRIG feature.

Note that 1/32T and 1/64T can be achieved only with RETRIG.


Oh yes it is.

Fantastically, ridiculously ridiculous that they never implemented this. Best drum machine on earth with this one GAPING flaw. I just dont get it. Couldnt they have, for example, the micro timing menu extend or have the option to show triplets?

It kinda does, but you need to squint and/or use some maths. The vertical bars mark specific divisions; bars of the same height are multiples of the same division (i.e. regularly spaced in time). Where two divisions share a tick in time, the bar for the larger one is drawn.


I find it super easy to do triplets on the ar. I just go into unquantized live record mode and play some triplets wherever I want them. If I get it wrong I’ll either delete the trigs and do it again or I’ll nudge them around with micro timing (it’s way easier to just play them again so I almost always do it that way).
Other tuplets can be more problematic if they’re small note value divisions as you can run into resolution issues. I usually just save that for in the moment playing and don’t bother trying to record it to the sequencer. There’s probably a good trick or two for those somewhere.

It wasn’t clear from the original post that the OP wanted to be able to do triplets and straight 16ths in the same pattern.
The post just just said how do I do 1/4 note triplets? (which is entirely possible on the ar).

These will sync with any DAW on the 1/4 note.

1/4 note triplets:
Pattern: 12/16, 3/4 (24/16 for two bars)
This sets AR to 1/8 triplets, with a pattern length of 12 steps.

  • Program kicks on steps 1,4,7,10
  • Program hi-hats on steps 1,3,5,7,9,11
    The kick is now playing 1/4 notes and the hi-hat is playing 1/4 note triplets.
    Program h-hats on every step and the hi-hat is playing 1/8 note triplets.

For 16th triplets (which can encompass 1/4 triplets):
Pattern 24/32, 3/2 (48/32 for two bars)

  • Program Kicks on steps pg1: 1,7,13, pg2: 3, for 1/4 notes.
  • Program hi-hats on all steps for 16th triplets,
  • steps pg1: 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 pg2: 1,3,5,7 for 1/8 triplets
  • steps pg1: 1, 5, 9. 13, pg2: 1, 5 for 1/4 note triplets

Aside from unquantisied recording and playing with micro timing, programming quantised straight 16ths and triplets within the same pattern is not possible as far as I can see.


Can the 3/4 scale mode let you have 12 or 24 steps run in the same time as 16?

If that works, and you’re happy to “lose” a track, then setting one of a mute group to one scale and the other to the other scale would allow for mixed straight & triplet within a pattern, for up to four tracks.

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Would be interested as well if there are any news on the triplet front.

Yes, that’s what the 3/4 scale does.
12 steps runs at the same time as 16 (set to 1X scale)
and in the 3/2 scale 24 steps runs at the same time as 16 (set to 1X scale)

3/4 = 3 for the time of 4 (12 for the time of 16)
3/2 = 3 for the time of 2 (24 for the time of 16)

3/4 in this AR scale context does not mean 3/4 time signature, btw
For 3/4 time signature you set 12/16, scale 1X
and 5/4 time signature is 20/16, scale 1X

Will have to look at your mute group suggestion later…

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I’ve figured out a way to have 16ths, 8ths and 1/4, 1/8 or 1/16 triplets in the same pattern:

Set scale:
24/32, 3/2 (16th triplets)

  • 1/4 Notes (eg Kick) - steps pg1: 1,7,13, pg2: 3
  • all steps for 16th triplets (eg CB)
  • steps pg1: 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 pg2: 1,3,5,7 for 1/8 triplets (eg CB)
  • steps pg1: 1, 5, 9, 13, pg2: 1, 5 for 1/4 note triplets (eg CB)
  • Straight 1/8 notes - steps pg1: 1,4,7,10,13,16, pg2: 3,6 (eg HH)
  • for 16ths assign a retrig to each 1/8th at the default settings and you have 16ths
  • add a snare backbeat (2+4 snare) on steps pg1: 7, pg2: 3

This is because 16th note triplets will also encompass straight 8ths, and the retrigs double the 8ths up to 16ths.

There is obviously the limitation that you can’t put accents on the 16ths but think 80s Kraftwerk, Afrika Bambaataa etc and should be good to go :slight_smile:


is there still no simpler way? :thinking:
i mean i rarely use them, so i never really thought about this. but the elektron sequencer still can´t be set to do simple triplets on a per track base? on no machine?

They can. 3/4 (or 3/2) scale, and a multiple of 3 for the track length. I don’t see how it could be any simpler than that.

I don´t get it. if its that simple why the workaround above?

I think at the time this question was asked (~2015) there was no scale per track option, only pattern scale settings, hence the work arounds with retrigs to allow the rest of the sequencer tracks to remain in 4/4 time :slight_smile:

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Thank you for explaining that. It’s kinda obvious now you mention it, but the length of the dividers threw me for a loop when I first saw them.

I had an assumption that the longer divisions would sound more “correct/on time” and the shorter bars were less likely to sound “on time”, and elektron were gently guiding me towards more “correct” values/subdevisions. I guess I’m not wrong but I also was not right :joy:.


I didn’t realise you could have different scales per track.
Of course, I see now, it’s in the advanced tab.
So, problem solved and no need for any workaround.

To re-iterate the settings for triplets:
Scale: 12/16, 3/4

  • 1/2t = 1, 5, 9
  • 1/4t = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
  • 1/8t = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12

Scale: 12/16, 3/2 (12/16=half a bar, for one bar it’s 24/16)

  • 1/4t = 1, 5, 9
  • 1/8t = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
  • 1/16t = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
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