Anybody make Chillout or Ambient suitable as Sleep Music?

Want to try something different than sleeping in front of the teevee.

Wondering if anyone makes music suitable to sleep to along the Chillout/Ambient side of things. Can easily go more trancey since I’m synaesthetic and will just be watching the laser light show on the inside of my eyelids.

I figure that buying music from people here is the interwebz music download version of ‘shopping local’, so I’m sticking with that. If you’re on Bandcamp, I think there’s a “waive revenue share” day coming up. If you have uncompressed versions available (AIFF or WAV (24 bit?!? nom nom nom)), that would be amazing. (…doesn’t hurt to ask…?)

Not mine but someone here in Winnipeg. Ali Khan/Yoyu makes lovely music:

And for Elektronauts, Jogging House (I always forget his handle here). He has a lot of very nice releases. Does some patches for the Digitone IIRC:

And if you’re just looking for some mixes, my partner casually has a Soundcloud series called Music for Bathtubs. Posts mixes every other month from people in Western Canada. Mostly ambient but always worth a listen. :slight_smile:


Keeping it Canadian is even better!

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Most of the Thesis - Anithesis - Synthesis album on my Bandcamp page in particular was made with drifting off to sleep in mind; it has been extensively tested by me for this purpose and certainly induced some interesting dreams.


That would be @boboter

And his Digitone pack is Haunted Hearts | Elektron


This should help to get some zzzzzz…

Sleep tight :slight_smile:

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I did a thing you might be able to sleep to if you’re interested

I actually write and produce these kind of tracks as part of my living, as well as produce other artists and host their work on the platform where I work.

Poor sleep is a silent but spreading pandemic, but for most (though not all), the cure is quite simple and falling asleep to music and ambience that work for you, is certainly part of the remedy.


Liquid Transmitter in a BC based musician, several albums of soporific music to choose from:

Also Water Gardens by Jamuud

Or my own album Pleura by zYklen

Some nice ambient stuff at …


Oh, hai! :vulcan_salute:

Who needs a machine to do this? Judging from my lectures, voice alone suffices.


I’m starting to work on some Digitone lullabies :slight_smile:

This is great :ok_hand: :+1:

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Yeah those Richard Norris ambient albums got me through some pretty bad bouts of insomnia over the last year. Definitely good sleep music. But also nice to chill out to when awake too.

This is a longer modular performance at 45mins… good for teevee sleep?

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Not “shopping local” but I can strongly recommend this piece of music:

Max Richter — Sleep

Takes some time;-) no laser show at all…


Yeah, nice. Thank you for sharing, I’ll have a proper listen this weekend!

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Thanks - hope you enjoy listening at the liminal time between waking and sleeping.

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This one often works for me: Presence | Aleksi Perälä