Anyma Omega Keyboard and Desktop - New from Aodyo

FTC needs to start regulating the number of teasers synth companies are allowed to publish.


Hard to know what is old and what is new in the video, but maybe this is new ?

Or how about this ?

It’s 2/5ths of a ZOIA.


It looks like a keyboard instrument. The SFX part reminds me a bit of the routing schema in the Phi manual. So, my not very exciting guess is a keyboard version of the Phi, with more onboard editing/controls? And maybe polyphony, since we’re greeted with chords (although that could be paraphony)?


So really Anyma Omega!

That looks like a hardware implementation of the Anyma Phi module routing you can currently only see in software. (3 oscillators routed into two busses).

anyma omega

Yeah i’m picking up some of the Anyma Phi vibe on this too.

You mean this :

There is also the “Mic Input” if that is what it is. The AP has audio in with some good ability to process, but the sky is the limit in that direction.

Fun little clip in the video with Georgia Anguilla, who has worked with Aodyo creatively, like she got the colored Sylphyos produced. Maybe some creative input again ??

Clearer picture to confirm


Is this flashed in the video QBass ? If so where is it approximately ?

Or are you having fun with us. It does show Anyma Omega.

Yes. It blinks few times around 0:41


The new stuff seems to be all in toward the end of the video, so that’s about right.

Looks like an enhanced module editor display too.

Disclosure : There is nothing to disclose, other than owning an Anyma Phi, i have nothing to do with Aodyo.

If this has poly-aftertouch, i’m in.

49 keys.


Looks promising.

Enough info now, i’ve changed the thread title.

Is there a clearer picture of the back of the unit, i am trying to make out the connections.

Where did you get ‘Omega’ from so early on ? It appears to be confirmed now, but not when you posted that .

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I have psychic abilities, like everyone else. I just know things sometimes.