Anyone getting this error message?

I’ve been suddenly getting this message several times after just letting a sequence play for about 10 or 15 minutes. I’m trying not to freak out but it worries me since I have no idea what it might mean. Anyone that can help me or guide me as to what this means or how to prevent it from happening? To provide further info, I have the md midi out to the a4 midi in and once this happens the a4 produces no sound at all but the md will keep running normally. The a4 won’t work until I actually shut it off and restart it.

A bug in the software of the A4.

Try to get exact steps to reproduce this, and contact Elektron.

Have you tried re-uploading the operating system?

I’ve had this happen under the same conditions (except the Octatrack was the master not MD). Forgot to take a pic so I don’t know if it was the exact same exception, but I will next time it happens.

Thanks for all the feedback guys. The first 2 things I’m going to try are; reloading the os and tracing my steps up to the point that this happens. However, forgive my ignorance but in reinstalling the os does that mean reloading the upgrade (1.06) or doing a factory reset?

Hmmm, Try test mode, after make a reset if you don’t get error in test mode and reloading a update if the reset don’t resolve your problem.
After if your problem is yet here, try get exact steps to reproduce this and contact Elektron ( Post of JGB); my english is very bad sorry, I’m french héhé.
Good luck

Ok thank you tertior and everyone else providing feedback. I’m not sure how to enter test mode though but I’ll try to figure that out first. I’ll let you know what happens afterwards. You also mention there is a post by JGB? Is this on how to report these bugs to elektron? Thanks.

Never mind, just figured out how to enter test mode (its in the manual duh!). I’ll try that first and if that still doesn’t work do the reset. I’m crossing my fingers…

I also get this message, every couple of minutes, and then the whole system just crashes down on me every time.

The problem is … I’ve had my Analog four delivered to me just a few hours ago , it’s brand new and it just keeps crashing down. I’ve reported the problem to the Elektron guys but I’m kind of sad, as I’ve been looking forward to this machine a LOT.

as jgb said, this is a bug in the A4 software and can have many different causes. It’s possible that your crash has nothing to do with July in Berlin’s crash.

Best you can do is report it to Elektron support.

The better you can describe how to reproduce the crash, the higher the chance that they can find the bug and fix it.

It might be good to send them a backup of your A4.

It’s messed up to see that this is happening to several people. Hopefully elektron will make note of this. I’m also looking forward to this machine and having it crash down like this is disappointing. However, I followed some of the advice given here and this is what I’ve found so far. First, I ran a systems check like someone here indicated and it showed no errors. Then, I did a factory restore and tested the a4. It produced no bug. Lastly, I upgraded to 1.06 os and since yesterday I haven’t come across this error again. I’m crossing my fingers it won’t happen again but if it does my last resort will be retracing my steps and sending the chronology of events leading up to the error message and send it to elektron. Hopefully that won’t happen, I’ll let you guys know of any updates as I continue to checkfor this error.

I had this exact problem right away with first A4 I got. I tried doing all the resets and tests etc. Support told me there was a problem with the machine and to exchange it with the retailer which I did. The second machine has had no issues whatsoever.

Same here for me as what happened to tsv. Just open a ticket w/ Elektron and follow their directions. It’s possible that there’s a problem specifically with your hardware. It’s rare but happens. Elektron exchanged mine and I haven’e had it happen since.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that’s what the problem is, so just follow whatever directions they give you for testing.

I’ve not seen this message, but I have had mine crash (the whole ui just hangs) about 3 times. I’ve only had it less than a week. Is it a common occurance to have these freezes ??

Are you using the USB connection by any chance?

There’s the following issue:

[li]connect via USB[/li]
[li]open a MIDI connection to A4 via any app[/li]
[li]close the app[/li]
[li]keep sending MIDI from A4 (tweak some knobs for a few seconds)[/li]

this will crash the A4 reliably (with iOS/OSX, dunno about other hosts).
It’s reported & acknowledged.

I have not had any crashes at all with the new machine. I also use it USB with logic x and I’ve never had it freeze so far. Support was very responsive and helpful when I opened up a ticket. Thanks.

@void - that could be the very reason, makes sense given that i’ve been tinkering with sysex etc - good to know it’s in the works for a fix : - ]

[edit] yep - just stopping the s/w link from my editor makes it freeze, not touching usb cables, after a bit of twiddling it’s frozen !

I had error like that few times but only had camera today. This is what I got today.

Ok. So, it’s already been about a week since I first did the systems check then I did a system restore and finally did the update to 1.06 and since then I have not gotten this error! I followed the steps that others suggested (thank you everyone) and so far I’m good. However,If I were to get this error again I’ll be opening a ticket with elektron. So cars so good but I’ll still keep everyone posted if income across any errors. Thank you guys, couldn’t have done this without you!