I recently got a DSI synth which prefers NRPN Midi commands.
I searched forums, websites, etc. but I cannot figure out how to send the NRPN commands to the synth. Has anyone had any luck with NRPN commands from Octatrack to any destination?
I’ve tried sending CC99, CC98, CC6 commands to no avail; nothing happens…
I set my synth to receive CC and I’ve changed it to receive NRPN; nothing…Does anyone have any experience/success with this or advice?
Also, is there an easy way to convert the NRPN # to MSB/LSB? For a NRPN Value of 168, I used MSB 1/LSB 40…
Any help is appreciated!
iirc the dsi won’t even play ball with a controller which supports ‘regular’ nrpn (e.g. Novation Remote SL) - Dave Smith knows what he’s doing, but the way the extended midi range on parameters like filter freq were implemented was requiring a little algorithm to encode/decode (it’s trivial in code/lemur Max/Pd etc and is clearly laid out in manual, but it doesn’t lend itself to a ‘dumb’ controller)
afaik - as mentioned already, there’s zero NRPN support on the OT
i think you can get by with 7bit cc on the dsi stuff - most basic params are catered for w cc and only a few suffer ‘reduced’ resolution, like the filt-freq value you posted
Thanks for your replies.
I messed around with this for hours before I posted.
I appreciate your replies as it basically confirms my experience.
Now I will move forward!
MIDI CCs are working fine.
I also figured out how to not have the sequencer start when pressing PLAY on Octrack; I simply did not have the DSI receive transport. Worked like a charm…
It is unfortunate that Octatrack does not support NRPN though, as it seems many makers are using this method…
I send NRPN from my DSI synth to OT. On MIDI page I configure 4 knobs to be sending CC99, CC98, CC6 and CC38. CC98 + CC99 = parameter, CC6 + CC38 = value.
For example:
LFO 1 freq is NRPN of number 42, allowed vales are 0 - 166. If I need to set value within 0 - 128 range, then CC6 =0, CC38 = value, otherwise, CC6 = 1, CC38 = value - 128.
So I program:
CC98 = 0
CC99 = 37
CC6 = 1
CC38 = 23 ((1 x 128) + 23 = 151)
As a result I set LFO 1 freq as seq speed divided by 32
and this is said by a person who contributed when I asked for help on how to understand and send NRPN to OT I am not sure if you are being sarcastic, I personally was under impression that @sezare56 knows and uses NRPN. At least your input resulted in me being able to help others
I understand the principle and I used it a bit but it is still not in my brain midi implementation.
Pretty boring to set, compared to CCs.
With Micromonsta, NRPN have just a few values so I can replace the 4 CCs by 1 in OT, mapped in a midi processor to a regular NRPN.
I succeeded to send sysex with variables but that’s mental!
Fair enough. I see your point - you need to keep in mind correct CC sequence - e.g. 99,98,6,38 - and do calculations for values that are higher than 128. With CC it is so much easier. But let’s not neglect possibility range and flexibility with NRPN! I guess it is personal choice - quicker mapping or flexibility due to being able to achieve full control of the unit.
Now SysEx is something I have come across but never tried, would be great to see what options does it give me. But SysEx would be off-topic.
I am currently using a Prophet 6 desktop with my Octatrack. I am looking to send NRPN messages to control some parameters via Midi CC’s through the Octatrack’s midi page.
Is this possible?
I am looking to mainly control FX on/off, Glide, Unison mode and oscillator sync with the Octatrack.I provided a link to the Prophet 6 manual for reference.
While the OT does not directly support NRPNs, once you know that an NRPN is made from 4 (sometimes 3 ) MIDI CC messages sent in the correct order, it is possible (if awkward) to send NRPNs.
At least one user has previously described how to do it:
Would it be possible to just map out these parameters via midi live record and p-locks ? Has anyone also noticed the interface being a bit buggy when using two midi tracks for the same synth?
Trying to use NRPN to trigger my DSI Mopho X4 Arp on/off, and found this thread. I believe the newest OS (1.40) has added NRPN functionality, am I mistaken?