Anyone here ever done any busking with electronic music?

Does anyone prefer a particular brand of tweeter for dj-volume highs without using too much wattage? My preferred subwoofer will draw 600 watts and I was hoping to keep the tweeter under 100 watts. Do I even sound like I know what I’m taking about? Maybe I need a higher-wattage tweeter to match the subwoofer. I don’t know. What say you experts?

Anti-pop snobbery is so boring.


Anfim, thanks. I really could take a break from the hate. It’s true.
I’ve enjoyed pop my whole life though and am formed, musically, mostly by pop. Loves my Michael Jacksons, Bruno the Mars’s, lady Gagas, bel biv devos, new editions(dontfukwithme!), princes,
need I say?: daft punks.

Anti-poop! Not anti-pop. I hope you got my point though that kids could get exposure to better music if we wish. I send my nephews/nieces YouTube videos of old house tunes, disco, 90s club classics, techno, things they’d never hear on the radio or ever come across naturally. Pop is ubiquitous and unavoidable and by nature, CONTROLLED. Wake up! Cheers. I’m sure we agree on plenty.

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Aaaaand amongst those artists I’ve mentioned, there isn’t one song any of them sang/wrote/composed that will stand the test of time to become what we might consider a “classic” so why should I let my kids praise them yet. Most or all of the songs are just average.

Please agree that there IS poop and then let me know if you have any knowledge on tweeters.

I’m mainly here to learn what kind/brand tweeters will sound best for my busking setup without requiring too much wattage. Do you have any intimate knowledge on speaker building or busking in general?

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There’s poop in every genre and decade. The artists you mentioned all have plenty of classics already. Here’s one of them:

I don’t busk but if I did I’d be using an all-in-one battery powered PA speaker rather than separate bits. Sorry I can’t help!


You could ask dubfx on twitter or IG, he knows for sure :wink:

Ok. Sure.

Wasn’t sure whether to bump this old thread or start a new one but I’m interested to know anyone’s experiences of busking/street performing using Elektron or similar level gear?

I’ve been experimenting with various possible busk setups but the simplest/best for me seems to be one Elektron and an acoustic.

I’ve busked with a Volca before and even that seemed pretty ostentatious so possibly using an Elektron feels a bit… weird? Overkill? Been thinking about maybe disguising the Elektron in a box so it looks less flash.

Any thoughts or experiences would be appreciated.

i have played on the streets with electronic music. to keep it simple I used an mic live with a bass station powered by the mic to keep the battery issue out. plugged it all into a Bose s1 pro (battery powered) together with a mic and a guitar.
lovely setup and could play for hours without recharging. also, with the mpc instead of an elektron, the crowd understands more easily what you.
be careful though with electronic gigs. in my area rules are way stricter for electronic setups than acoustic setups. so familiarize yourself with the local rules to prevent expensive fines

mic live is mpc live in the above message. gotta love the auto spelling check…

Hi there. Did anybody try to use the “Cube Street” aux in together with guitar and voice? I’m considering it for my band set: voice, guitar and a drum machine but… I fear it’ll never be able to manage that, am I wrong? Maybe could be better using the “Cube Street Ex” (by the line in)?

In answer to the original question (from about 1986), I reckon electronic busking would be a laugh. Anything loud and repetitive and I’d imagine you’ll end up surrounded by drunks and punks and probably moved on, depending on where you are in the world. Might need a Teenage Engineering approved shower bag to keep beer from gear. Probably meet a few synth nerds. Get invited to a few parties. Couple of quid here and there. Probably a laugh.

To go at it a bit more seriously, if you can put on a show with maybe loopers / throw in snippets of pop stuff / dunno, something a bit interesting, there are places you can make very good money busking. But with electronic music I reckon you’d have to make a bit of effort and have a decent level of talent / charisma to draw people in. I fear vocals would help.

A friend of mine used to put a little platform in the street with just a pair of flip-flops on it and a sign saying “Invisible Naked Guy in Flip Flops”, and sit in the coffee shop across the street watching the money come in.

Saw someone busking with just a Tenori-On and an amp outside Vienna Zoo


This is not the exclusive definition of electronic music.

You could well imagine busking with a synth, playing keyboard, singing, passing it thru FX, using sweet beats, mixed or not with more traditional instruments… many ways.

I made a living out of busking for a decade with looping, you can loop whatever including electronic instruments. I reckon you need to perform something rather than turning a few knobs on a house beat to make a dime but it all depends on the spot and the audience there.

Should’ve read on past the first paragraph :wink:

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I saw some movie, probably in the 80s, that had a scene with a guy busking (in a subway station maybe?) with a synth and a lot of pairs of headphones that people were wandering over and putting on, rather than an amp.
I have no idea what the movie was though.
Sound familiar to anyone?

I saw a couple of dudes jamming on op1s out front of the Kraftwerk show in LA, it was perfect.

Should’ve not assume i didn’t :wink:

…well…for performing on the street…u need to be a live perfroming musician…

aaaand most electronic dudes just are no such thing…

but with the live looping, there are quite some out there…

he’s one of the greats when it .comes down to magic hat street performance…
and on this one he’s explaining his job first… :wink:



Dunno about the rest of the world but here a quite a lot of public grand piano’s. If you could play some notes and put a small electronic setup on top for beats and bleeps it might work. I will stick around for sure