Anyone tried out Yamaha Reface yet?

I picked up the reface DX about two weeks ago for 300 and yeah it is kind of slow to program but I don’t mind that much and still really like it. the chorus in it is really really good! It gives good pads, pluck sounds, and bass. I needed a small poly to pair with DT and have not dug into midi sequencing it yet but I bet it will get nuts. It kinda makes me wonder if if I should get the cs too but yeah it’s a gem and fun to play

I picked up a DX and a CP there a few months back. Really like them both.
Not sure if it’s been mentioned here already (I’m sure it has somewhere)
But the CP has a hidden acoustic piano sound easter egg type thing
You need to have the mode selector half way between two presets prior to power up

My only complaint is the power supply
I’m from Ireland and I bought my Refaces from Thomann
Ireland has UK type plug sockets (3 pin)

The Yamaha adaptors have a removable plug part so they can be used in any country
However they don’t supply you with the plug adaptors for the different plug types
When I contacted them to see if I could get just the plug adapter part (about €2 worth of plastic)
They said no. I would have to pay €30 for the whole power supply with the correct plug

So that would mean I would need two plugs. One for DX and one for CP
Why make a power supply with interchangeable plug adapters and then not supply the plug types
And worse, just refuse to supply them separately at all
Terrible customer service. And the guys on their forums were no help at all

By the if any of you know what I’m talking about and have found plug adapters that fit the power supply please let me know. Cheers

I just received my CS, and only played with it for a few minutes, but I already got a brand new DX I found a great deal on arriving as well. I think these things are amazing. I want them all. I can’t wait to mess with the DX. I want to put two distortions on both effects slots with really subtle settings. I bet you some wicked sounds can be achieved by experimenting like that.


Does anyone know if the the CS and DX have stereo effects or stereo spread of voices in any modes? Trying to figure out if I should go through the trouble of trying to preserve their stereo images or not.

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At least the CS has stereo fx, of which I was painfully reminded when I sampled it into the Digitakt.


I should also point out that the Aux In is actually quite useable. Loud enough to use as a passive minimixer.


The DX goes stereo when the chorus is engaged.

Ok, one week with the Reface CP, I can now state rompler is definitely not my thing.
No way to tweak the sound other than with FX…
And as I am a shitty keyboard player, I cannot get the best of it (velocity is well exploited).
A shame, it does sounds good.
But I just feel absolutely nothing when playing with it, it feels kind of fake to me.
This one is going back I’m afraid.

How come you went for the CP initially?

Yeah the Reface series is Yamahas equivalent to the Roland boutique series.
Just can’t take them at all seriously unfortunately. Very toy like.
It seems hard for the big guns to build proper instruments these days

Yeah, now I wonder :smile:

I’ve always loved Rhodes sound…
For me it’s very alive, full of emotion. And I would bet it’s the same for anyone.
I remember watching Erik Trufaz keyboard player hammering the metal inside his instrument and getting sounds so beautiful and crazy…

Anyway, I wanted to try this one and see if I could find such emotion in it.

Totally failed.

I wouldn’t agree, I had some exceptional experience with my JX03, I really love it as a companion for DT or OT. It does have something. I can feel it.
Same for my friends JU06.

And small foorptint is good, easy to put on a backpack, and solid.

No, this Reface in particular is not my thing, but I would not generalize: there are chances I would have fun with a CS.

Yeah different opinions are what makes the world go round :grinning:

Did you try doing this with it tho?

Love these videos where they pay some famous guy buckets of cash to make out something is incredible, and feed them with lines like:
‘Oh man this is crazy, I can hear the hits coming’
Cracks me up every time

Idk seems genuine to me. I’m playing with the DX right now; it just arrived. I know you didn’t like it, but I’m really digging it after only minutes of messing around with the UI.

Thought it sounded great but hated those touch slider things

I’d rather have actual sliders or knobs because I think they’d be much faster, but this interface isn’t that bad imo. I’m loving the EGs, and the visual representations on the screen. It’s really nice being able to edit multiple things at once.

Don’t know if you have an iPad but I ended up using an app that was able to modulate a lot more simultaneously than on the DX alone
Really helped UI and opened the sound design
Can’t remember name of the app now? Maybe Lemur?

Cool. I’ll check it out. I’m going to have to return this one though. The seller told me it was brand new, but there’s these weird stains all over the keys, and there’s some on the body of the unit that won’t come off :confused: