Anyone want to share their drum sounds?

I’m setting up a live rig that uses the A4 as an analog drum machine running through my OT, which will handle all the other duties (bass, melodies, etc.). Anyone want to share their drum patches/sysex files with me? I have a bunch of neat drums from the various free packs but I’d love to get my hands on some more.

I think on elektron site, there is a very nice drum and perc soundpack

Yeah. I have some of those (the free ones mostly) but I wanted to see what other people had on their own that they’d be willing to share.

There might be an ‘share your kicks’ here

which in elektronautspeak translates as
'entitled to share'
clarifying now, just in case …



As in “don’t share other people’s work”? Haha. Agreed!

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