AR+A4, do i still need OT?

Yeah you can create some pretty good drums on the Analog 4/K once you crack the code, and it’s surprising how much you can get going on just one track. I’ve been doing just that with a new song the last couple of days, and I’m trying really hard not to upload and show you right now. I’ll save it for a single or something. :wink:

shouldn’t you have your hands on the AR soon?

I like to vary my drum tracks up quite a bit I’m starting to chomp at the bit waiting for the AR. I use the OT to sequence via midi and the external drum machine always loses the parameter settings I had…I usually sample it all into the OT but that doesn’t allow me to break out different tracks (I have 4 or 5 midi tracks set for drums only).

I will get the chance trying out the AR this coming tuesday. I’m going to Musikmesse with Elektron, and staying for the whole week. Stoked!

I wonder if they’ll have an updated OS with more stuff to show? Have fun making some cuckoorytm’s!