AR Analog Rytm feature request thread

CV everything!

Just a fully speced out and useful on beats “Perf” mode.

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left&right shift / tempo divider / different swing patterns
for the 2 Sync Jacks

THAT would be cool

Auto EQ option to scoop out overlapping frequencies between the Analogue and sampled parts of the voice.

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TR or MPC like switching between patterns by pressing one single button or pad

I really would like scales for chromatic mode, as I’m using just AR and A4 and I’d like to use the pads on AR to program basslines etc in both AR and A4. Should be possible pretty easily, yeah?

An update like that is my # 1 xmas wish!!! :slight_smile:


I would appreciate a “Release” parameter for the sample. Could be implemented on data entry knob “G” as this one is currently only switching the loop on and off.

Turned all to the left the sample would be chopped off abruptly as it does now while turning it to the right would increase a release time until let’s say 50 or 100 ms. Turned all to the right the loop would be activated.

This functionality would allow the use of samples as attacks without clicks or having to process them before transferring them to the AR.

I REALLY think the filter types should be set up so that turning all the way to the left is LPF, and all the way to the right is HPF…it just makes sense…

Right now, peak and notch are at the end, so you must look at the screen when selecting general filter types.

Is this how it is on the A4 as well?


I will request updates.

I have an idea for the sequencer of the Rytm.

(It would work for the A4 as well and maybe for the OT (but I don’t know the OT))

The Idea would be to be able to make the sequencer play one its pages individually.

Lets say you program in the “SD” track for example, 16 steps that you like. That would be in “Page 1:4”.
Then you program another 16 steps in “Page 2:4”.
Normally in the advanced mode you can choose to only play the “Page 1:4” or play the two pages “Page 1:4” then “Page 2:4”, but you cannot only play the “Page 2:4” or “Page 3:4” , alone.

The idea is in fact to play a segment of the 64 steps that you can have in a pattern.

I think it would be super useful and it would add a lot of possibilities to one pattern.

Does it make sense?

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Yeah that was amazing

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yeah modulating the retrig would be cool. possible lfo/perf destination?

re trig related i was hoping that when “always on” midi notes would trigger it, but as far as i’ve explored, no they don’t. ?

^ yes please :slight_smile: ^

Midi Machine Plz!!!
Over Bridge with Ableton live Parameter Display :joy:

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YES. purdy peez.

Not sure if this has been requested / discussed, but a feature I’d find really useful is to activate Scene’s in Song Mode. i.e.: I can program a scene for one bar during playback.

It could work in exactly the same way as the mutes in Song Mode. Can’t be hard to implement this??

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Paternes mode
Retrig +Paterne bank do the same as Paternes bank continuous press

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Sort the sync issue out with Logic?

MIDI MIDI MIDI!!! What I’d give to have midi machines to use up tracks I’d otherwise leave empty because of voice sharing.


I really need some basic MIDI. No need to send any CC, just basic notes is enough for me.