AR Analog Rytm feature request thread

I’d like to see key scales added to chromatic mode. This is the only box with pads that I know that doesn’t do this. Obviously helps to keep things in key but also allows more than one octave on the pads at a time which is useful when live recording.

Would also like to be able to mute pads while solo’ing another, so when you unsolo the pad only the unmuted pads will play


As previously said, sample lenghth, digitakt style, instead of sample start/end


Quantized retrigger, second filter, improved transfer to move things among projects.

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I’m new to AR, so forgive if there is way to do this already, but it is annoying not to have a global off switch for velocity/aftertouch. I saved an empty kit with the sounds set accordingly, which I use to start making new kits, but I swear it forgot my settings a couple of times.

Is there any good way to edit settings on all pads simultaneously when turning a knob? Practical use when adjusting a filter frequency, more experimental use when turning a knob which might not correspond to the same parameter on other tracks.

This is basically exactly the control all feature from machinedrum or the very similar feature from digitone.

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Needs a mixer for the external inputs

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Sample Rate Reduction! :’)


Remember the Q.Start feature in the manuals that never came to be?

*Q.START Starts the retrig at a set quantization point synchronous with the sequencer (OFF, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1/1).

It would be cool if this quantize start feature would be implemented after all these years.

Also the ability to record the Retrig into the sequencer.

I currently have an MPC1000 that has to do this job for the Analog Rytm.


Recording retrigs has been implemented for a while now

During live recording if you hold the retrig button and press a pad, do those notes trigs record into the sequencer?

It doesn’t work for me. I can do it externally with my MPC1000

Yep, records the retrigs

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Cool, I guess I overlooked that part being implemented. The lack of S. Quantize kept me from using it.

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It’s not really a problem with fast retrigs you don’t really hear the sloppiness :grin:

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Sometimes it hasn’t worked as expected for me, but I did try recently and can confirm that it is possible.

The manual states retrigs work in grid or live recording modes

I like to use it for slower velocity changing repeats with varying pressure. Which is why I think the q.start would be useful.

It’s very finicky which why I probably thought it still wasn’t implemented.

If you hold the pad while recording and it passes over the starting trig, it erases it. So then it seems like you didn’t record anything at all.

Edit: I understand why it does that technically (it places a trig and sets the retrig value on a single trig, rather than recording each note/trig). I had just ignored it for so long. I’ll have to experiment with it again.

I’d still like to see S. Quantize implemented still.

I’d love sample rate reduction! This has way more impact on the character of samples than the Bitrate reduction which just adds a lot of noise imo.


load a Single Cycle Wav (Sine) and use the LFO to modulate the pitch and you’ve got a two operator FM synth per pad, set the LFO to trigger and you can config then Fade like an Envelope for the modulation!


Analog filters can’t be cloned, they exist in HW (hence the quality), they could add another filter but it would be digital not analog and likely of less quality/grit

you can have that already, load a sine wave, loop it then modulate its tune with an fast LFO. Get an Retrokits RK002 cable and you can have an x8 voice 2 operator FM Polysynth on the Rytm.

Also with an RK002 cable you can have a a x3 voice Dual VCO polysynth too (tested and working)

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Filter tracking would be nice