Since French is my native language, i have bad time understanding the User Manual.
I am really excited about the new AR update but i can’t understand correctly the different options in the new LFO section and the Condition Retrig is kind of a mystery. (i only understand the percent value.)
Is someone patient enough to explain those different options? in french?
i did some experimentations with condition retrig but NEI, FILL, A:B…
I’ve tried google translate but it doesn’t help me so much.
I can explain, not in French however unfortunately, although based on your question it sounds like you have a great grasp on English.
Let’s say you have just a simple 16 step pattern (I’d suggest setting one up and trying these). Put a kick (bass drum) trig on step one. Let’s say you select the 1:2 option for that specific kick trig. Now start the sequencer. The first time it cycles through the kick will be triggered, on the second cycle it will not. If you selected 2:2 the first time through it would not be triggered but the second time it would. So the first number represents the cycle the trig will occur, the 2nd represents how long the overall cycle with the variations will occur. If you set it for 4:4 it the trig would only be “on” on the fourth cycle of the pattern. On 3:4 it would happen on the third, and so on.
Fill is what it sounds like, it allows you to program a different “layer” into your patterns. Take a simple 16 step pattern and put a kick trig on the first step again. Now put four snare trigs on steps 13,14,15 and 16. Set those up with the “fill” trig condition, the one without the line over it. While you’re at it, set the kick on the first step to have “fill” with the line above. Now when the sequence is playing you should be hearing the kick but not the four snares at the end. If you hold “yes” and press the “page/scale” button it will cause the fill to play for one cycle after the current sequence ends. Think of it as a pattern within a patter. Since the kick had fill with the line over it you should not hear it where as the snares should fire. You can also instantly switch to fill mode (pattern doesn’t need to end) by just holding the page/scale button when not in record mode (or else you’re just switching the page).
Pre and Nei have to do with the probability trigs (%). Back to just a simple pattern with a kick on the first step. Lets give that kick a 50% probability. Now put a kick directly after it on step 2. Lets set that second kick to “pre” (no line). Now if the first kick happens to be triggered (50/50 chance) the second will as well, every time. If the first is not, it will not be, every time. If you set the second kick to “pre” with the line over it the opposite will occur. If the first kick (50/50) is triggered, the 2nd will not be, and vice versa.
Nei is the same idea but it effects the neighboring tracks. Lets put a snare on step 2, and step 1 is still just a kick with a 50/50 chance of being triggered. If we set that snare on step 2 to “Nei” (no line) then the snare will be triggered every time the kick is, and will not when it is not. “Nei” with the line again will do the opposite much like “Pre” (with the line) except it will effect the neighboring track(s).