AR / OT / A4 Config question

So I’m watching a Cenk tutorial on the OT and he’s demonstrating a beat repeat, which is really cool use of the Delay beat repeat function. He’s got the OT setup with delay on track 8 setup as a master and has a drum machine on CD and a 303 on A.
This got me to thinking. I have a RYTM on preorder. I have an A4 and an OT and 2 Avalon basslines and I’m thinking that I should run the AR into AB and the two acid boxes into CD. But that leaves me with no options for the A4, other than running that into the inputs of the AR without the use of a mixer, which I’m not completely against, but for this setup I’d prefer not to use a mixer. Wondering what people think about this setup and if that’s a viable option, that is to run the A4 into the RYTM inputs.