Are conditional parameter locks possible?

Hello folks,

Parameter locks are cool, and conditional triggers are cool. Can you accomplish conditional parameter locks?

For example applying an LFO to the pitch/tune on a snare every 33% of its hits?

An additional question for seasoned users, should the LFO applied to Start not oscillate between the Start and Len parameters, as opposed to oscillating from the beginning of the sample? Is this a bug?

Thanks in advance!

Not sure if DT has trigless locks, but if it has, you can use those for condi stuff.

Hey, thanks for the reply.

To check that I understand you correctly, do you mean that I could place a trigless lock before each snare trig and apply a pitch offset to that lock, which the following snare trig would adopt?

nope, the other way around. First you place a trig for a snare, then you enter a trigless lock just after that trig and set a condition for it. Then you can use microtiming to effectively get both adjacent trigs (regular trig + trigless) to play at roughly the same time, if you wanted.


[ head explodes ]

Ok, I’ll try that, thanks!