Are you able to run an LFO that starts and resets every bar on a track with trigs on every 16th?

Hi. So I’m trying to get HH dynamics via the LFO on a per-bar (or 1/4, 1/2 bar) basis on the RYTM. I do this a lot on the OT, either by playing 1-bar HH loops so that there is only one trig at the first step of each bar, and the LFO trigs at the beginning of the loop (and/or subsequent triggless locks where desired), or sending a track full of 16th step one-shot trigs to a neighbor track, where I can use triggless trigs to initiate the LFO where I need it.

Since the RYTM can’t really play loops and doesn’t have neighbor tracks I’m at a loss as to how to use the LFO in this way, but it seems like it should be possible, right? When I try to put a triggless trig on any step however it mutes that step. Is it possible to have a triggless trig on a step that is also triggering a sound? Wondering if this is possible on the OT for that matter too now that I think about it, I’ve just always used neighbor tracks.

Doing a p-lock on just the first step didn’t seem to work either for some reason.

you should be able to do this by setting the LFO to FRE by default, then p-locking step 1 to TRG so that it resets on step 1. All regular trigs, no trigless tricks required.


Or with a free running lfo, p-lock lfo retrig on the note page to on for step 1 (on the note page, press and hold a trig and the envelope and lfo retrig parameters will become visible).

When a trigless trig would trigger a sound it wouldn’t be trigless anymore (because that’s the only difference to a normal trigger).

Say what now?

The Sample page definitely has a loop toggle.

This was the solution. Not the most intuitive thing, but got it makes sense and it’s working now.

Thanks @hkerins!

Also, @Octagonist, yeah I understand there is a loop toggle but the RYTM doesn’t timestretch 1-bar loops and the memory fills up too fast to load up with them anyway.

oh yea, this is probably the “preferred” method. i never use these functionalities, but it makes sense.