Arturia Minibrute 2 / 2S

Did you know:?
Minibrute 2 core sound engine --Daft Punk were involved in revamping the sound with the engineers until the synth sounded just right
Better Music discuss this fact with the Auturia rep who smiles and does not confirm or deny at 3.40 mins
Mystery is always a selling factor/effective buzz machine!

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While it does not capture every nuance and feature of a Buchla music easel, that is the only instrument I really could compare it to as I was exploring its features and auditory profile. Even comparing it to the Matrixbrute is a little difficult, because what the Minibrute 2S excels at, and what the Matrixbrute excels at are two very different things. They are both great instruments that share similar features and both feature Steiner-Parker filters, but they feel and sound very different. Some tweaks to the architecture here and there ended up making a huge difference in terms of sonic capabilities.

This is Arturia’s second great synth, and unlike the Matrixbrute is within reach of a far wider audience and easier to gig with.


So…what is other owners verdict?

Very impressed. I have owned the minibrute and the microbrute previously. This is something else.

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regarding features, obviously. Soundwise?

I bought it for the sequencer and features thinking this thing won’t sound as good as my moog gm and neutron but they would all play well together. However ive been surprised at the sound. Some of the waveshaping stuff sounds really good. The comparisons to the buchla easel are appropriate as a total instrument and how far you can push it. And that sequencer!


You mean the MB 2s?

Whats the verdict of other owners after now a few months with the MB2? How does it blend in a mix? Will it get along with A4 or Peak?

Got a minibrute 2s today at guitar center new for 399. They’re all on sale! Went in for a drumbrute impact and the 2s wasn’t even on my radar. For that price I had to give it a shot. Amazing synth for the price!


I happened to pop in to a GC yesterday and saw that sale. Already have a 2s so no need for more but that is a steal for what it does. Great synth.

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Doesn’t do anything for me, just meh. Going for the Pro-1 clone instead

Do you think the sale is in store only? The price is still normal online when I choose in store pick up for the 2/2S.

I would think so in terms of in store sales. I’m in Sacramento and they had the Minibrute 2 in stock. Usually GC doesn’t post the in store sales on line (I’m sure it has to do with MSRP).

You’re correct. I just stopped by my local GC in Dallas and they have them on sale for $399, in store only.

Hey everybody, anybody can tell if I can left back part of link system in the air ?
(I am using MB2 + rackbrute 3U - I have it on stand, but that is not deep enough, so back handle of whole system is in the air)… I am wondering If It will survive, or It could be damaged this way.

Can Minibrute 2 make these sounds? Thanks!

The 2s is a great sounding synth. Much better sounding than the original brute and the 2s at least is much better built. Never had the 2 in my hands but I’d guess the build quality is the same as the 2s. Add in the sequencer and it’s a very good package. Not a modular user myself but the patch bay is very handy for playing with other CV equipped gear. Did I say it can sound great too?:grinning:

The oscillators and filter were changed from the first generation MiniBrute and MicroBrute. To my ear the second generation sound better although that’s subjective. I think they did something similar with the DrumBrute and the Impact. Seems Arturia listened to customer and reviewers feedback and tweaked the circuits for their second gen. ranges.

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Anyone owned both the Microbrute and Minibrute 2? How much different do they sound?

How is the build quality and the key bed on the minibrute 2? Any horror stories like with the minibrute/microbrute/microfreak?


I’m interested in buying the minibrute 2S and have a question I can’t find in the manual or online that I would like to know before purchasing.

I thought maybe someone here who owned one could easily answer for me.

When using the sequencer along with a selected scale, when transposing the sequence, does it stick to the scale or does it just modulate the same pitch relations up or down the transposed amount.

For example, if I selected “C Major” as my scale and had a sequence that consisted of the notes “C, E and G”, when transposing that up a whole step, would it play with the notes still locked to “C Major”, “D, F and A” or does it transpose unlocked to the selected scale and would play “D, F# and A”.

Thanks in advance to anyone who could help.

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