Arturia Polybrute

The PB does mono sounds really well. Better than any other poly I’ve tried (Peak is the only one that comes somewhat close). I actually keep coming back to the default ‘analog bass’ preset. Ultra useable sound.

I’ll be sure to give this patch a try @CCMP! I agree with your assessment a lot of the default presets are overproduced. Guess they wanted to show off the ridiculous number of features. There’s a lot of gems in there as well. I complained about Polybrute connect a few posts before but now that I’m using a different USB cable it works very well. Makes sorting through the presets a bit easier.


Ok, forgive my playing… but here’s both synths (PolyBrute and Sub37) playing the same thing… straight into the desk, no effects on either.


Those are very close. The second synth sounds a little more ‘tight’ and controlled on the attack. Wonder if that one has oscillators reset while the first has them free-running?


Yes, I wasn’t getting too detailed, just putting them into the same ballpark from the PB being an Init patch. There was some more mod movement in the Sub37 that I didn’t go after on the PB, but it can easily do that and a lot more on the mod front.

So first pass is the Sub37 and second is the PB. When I listened back, I think I’d added Noise>VCF2 that I didn’t have on the preset… but I do love that noise function! So much to really like about the PB.


Awesome, thanks!

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Could someone explain how ‘Voices’ works as a mod source in the mod matrix please?

I’ve just loaded an Init sound, lowered the Ladder Cutoff and made it a mod destination… then used ‘Voices’ to modulate the Ladder Cutoff.
I can hear what it’s doing (increasing the mod % value moves the Cutoff Freq, and it sounds like it’s in 3’s), but I can’t tell exactly what’s going on.
The manual doesn’t really describe it either.

Does anyone feel they properly understand it?

It modulates using the voice number. By default, every time you press a new note it cycles through the available voices (1-6).

Assignment is the same as the one found in Stereo Modes (Settings + Stereo Knob).

  • Centered (voice 1 and 4 are around 0, 2 and 5 +50% and 3 and 6 +100%)
  • Gradual (Voice 1 is 0; Voice 2 is 20%; Voice 3 is 40%; Voice 4 is 60%; etc)

This is probably the only synth that triggers real GAS when I see it. I personally find the asthetic gorgeous.

It doesn’t help that it has a huge range of sound potential with mod everything everywhere… uhg

Maybe next year after I succeed in NGNY 22 :joy:


Great, thanks. I’ll experiment some more with this in mind.

To be clear, are you saying that the Stereo Mode is fixed and however it’s set will be represented in the mod matrix?

I was playing about with it earlier with the arp on… it seems like a cool way to modulate and create movement I wouldn’t normally get.

The stereo mode is great… I’m loving combining that with the filter series/parallel control and voice plus filters panning, being able to adjust/blend the stereo width from 2 points is amazing.

I feel the same. Everything I’ve heard sounded beautiful.


Well fellas, as someone who had the same GAS and pulled the trigger, I’ve got to say it’s probably the synth I’ve been looking for for a long time. Absolutely love mine. :+1:


The Stereo Mode page has 2 distribution settings, centered and gradual. They determine both how the Stereo knob pans each voice and how the Voices mod source affects whatever you route it to. In fact, the Stereo Knob can be thought of as a pre-patched Voices -> Pan.

I think the main thing I use it for is to create subtle differences between each note. You can totally go nuts with it though.

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Yes, I’ve figured out the stereo modes… I was asking if that affected the mod matrix Voices function, which it does, I just tried.
And being able to modulate the Stereo control too is :ok_hand:

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I was at guitar center a couple weeks back and I got to play one. I already have a prophet 6 and an LFE module to control my modulation matrix. Having that level of knowledge came in handy when programming this synth.

The interesting part was there was this 12 year old kid behind me watching what I was doing and I saw him playing on the piano earlier. He was watching all my moves when I was programming that 15 minutes later he asked if he could try the synth. He was so fast in figuring out patch programming and he was amazed by the synth too and figured out what sound he wanted to play I overheard him ask his Dad to buy it for him but his Dad wanted him to continue playing the piano.

The only thing I don’t like about this synth is the keybed could be better, somehow I think I can make space for it in the studio. It sounds 70s vintage but without trying to be a moog or a prophet.


Space you will need. This thing is big and heavy.


I’ve been digging some of the demos. I haven’t played one yet, but my only wish is that they would do a flip-top one like the Matrix Brute.

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I use an Arturia Keylab 61 MKII for my DAW keyboard. I believe they have the same keys?

They are very soft, light, and almost cheap feeling at first touch. But I found them to be very expressive after using them for a while.

In some ways I enjoy switching to them after playing all of the Fatar stuff in my studio. They just take less strength to play well.


So if I buy one I can blame it on your advice. Just kidding, Now I really want one

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As long as I can blame you when I end up with one :stuck_out_tongue:

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Does anyone have an issue with the occasional screen freeze on their PB?