Hi – I’ve read the other two threads on ‘Assign to Self’, and still don’t understand how it works or why one would use it. I’m using OS 1.40, and there is no mention of ‘Assign to Self’ in the manual.
I’m lost – it seems to function both as a regular sample, but when I restart my Octa, and go to the Sample Editor, it says ‘Static 001 Empty Sample Slot’ even though the slot is assigned as Flex slot. And if I record to the buffer slot it occupies, it plays the buffer, but stills says ‘Empty Sample Slot’ and therefore doesnt allow me to edit the slices in any way.
It’s especially confusing because the recording buffer sample save dialog has ‘Assign to Self’ as the first, default option, which implies that it has a common, obvious use.
any tips or use-cases? thanks
Assign to self means it assigns the sample to the flex machine on the same track.
Which is fine.
How ever, the sample will not be saved unless it is saved to the flashcard. This is modus operandum for octatrack. Simply assigning recorder buffer sample to a flex machine does not mean it is saved to the flashcard.
Assign does not mean save.
Remember, all recorder buffer contents are stored in active RAM, but cleared on power cycling, unless saved to flashcard.
Tips and use cases? I dunno, cant be bothered to think of any, make some up yourself. If it doesnt seem useful to you, dont use it. I dont.
I’ve not found “obvious uses” for any of the default settings in my OT. Most likely, I just do odd things with it. However, I’ve come to the conclusion Elektron deliberately picked a set of defaults that don’t create any one sane workflow, so that no-one will assume “that’s what the instrument is for”. Everyone has to customise it.
Assign to self use case is for just assigning the record buffer to the track, you still need to save the buffer if wanting it to be there between power cycle.
Agreed here. I think the only potential use is if you didn’t already assign the recording buffer to a track (starting a new project maybe?) and you are using the OT in a live loop kind of scenario.
Still, probably more confusing and prone to user error than helpful.