Audio capture AR mkII via USB

Ok, now I’m going to embarrass myself by asking this, but neither Google, the search function or RTFM were of much help.

I borrowed a Rytm MkII a few months back (back then with OS 1.50A installed) and I remember there was a way to capture individual tracks or the master via USB to the computer and via one of Elektron’s apps.

Now that I own the machine (running OS 1.60A), for the life of me, I can’t find that function anymore. Is it hidden somewhere on the Transfer app?

On the AR: Global > Audio Routing > USB Out is set to MAIN OUT.
And on Global > System > USB Config > USB AUDIO/MIDI is checked

The folder user/Music/Elektron Analog Rytm mk2 captures appears on MacOS Finder.
Running AR mkII on 1.60A, latest Transfer and Overbridge releases on MacOS Mojave 10.15.5.

Any pointers? Thanks!

Outside of a DAW? I don’t have it in front of me but the standalone Analog Rytm overbridge app has that functionality, I think it’s one of the menus on the top right.

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Agree with @Zanshin. You must’ve been using the standalone Overbridge app. The manual for OB:

You can also choose USB for Audio/MIDI with any DAW or audio capture app on your computer because the Rytm is a class compliant USB device now, but that’s only one stereo track at a time.


Got it! :man_facepalming:
Reinstalled OB, opened the standalone app.
Thanks @craig!

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