Audio/CV Split Cable Kit MEGA THREAD

Hey Peter, you moved my question into this thread (apologies for not putting it in the right place)

I’ve been through this thread, and still don’t really see an answer to my query.

Could you perhaps give one example of what I’d do with the audio splitter? I thought one application might be to have two headphones, out of one headphone out.

Thanks again

I’m not sure that I understand which element of the kit you’re asking about. Hence my earlier question.

Didn’t see the earlier question. The forum can get a little funky on mobile.

Yes, that’s the piece of kit I mean…

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Nice stealth edit :wink:

OK so it’s useful for modular type stuff.

Anything else? I did mention earlier I thought it could be used to spilt a headphone out, so two pairs could be used. Is that possible?

I’m just looking for a reason to use it, otherwise it gets dumped into the big box of cables, never to be seen again


It’s good to have that kind of stuff around, rather than think “what can I do with this right now?”, it’s likely that sometime in the future you’ll be trying to do something and you’ll realize “oh, that thing will do it”…

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Or you could just sell it if you don’t have the use for it.

For instance, it would be very useful to me right now with the No-Coast… So you might find someone in your area that would make use of it !

BTW… Don’t you want to taste a 0-Coast or another semi-modular with your A4 ? It’s quite funny and I really like the possibility to add new oscillators to the A4…

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Sage advice my man. I shall do just that! I have a had enough ‘oh I have one of them somewhere’ moments!

Haha you sound like a pusher man!

I have the M32, hence the reason for getting the whole cable package, and that’s giving me enough headaches trying to work out the control part (had it sorted first attempt, two days later I’m not controllong it via cv at all-weird). So yes I have a very sweet taste, but I’m not going down that hole.



Thanks for the replies btw.

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But with a M32 you WILL at some point find the use for this little piece, take it easy, it’s going to come :smiley:

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I just ordered 5 Audio/CV kits because I need the cables. The splitters are a plus, but I’ve already got them covered.

How do you folks feel about the quality? Are they more reliable/better then the $5 hosa version? I hope so


Usually there’s a strong correlation between cable price and reliability. The only remaining question is which kind of reliability you wanted, i.e. underwater- or space-reliability. I think a 5$ cable will not serve NASA specifications. :slight_smile:

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This cable type is not very common and I need them for gigging purposes, so I would like something I can chuck in my bag that will hold up. I’ve been through a couple of the $5 hosas and want something nicer. I also have a couple of the $15 hosas and they’ve been problem free. I was gonna buy some more but saw that the Elektron kit was on sale for $22. I figured I’d take the chance as I generally trust Elektron and imagine they must be of good quality. I’ve never seen the cables myself, so I’m just wondering what others with firsthand experience think of them. Or if anyone has another preference. I see Roland also makes some beefy looking ones for $22 each (5ft)

I got two of these kits, and they are very robust, they smell like top quality.

I used them mainly from A4 CV outs to any of 0-Coast holes and I have never encountered any pb.

You have to use some differentiator though, to identify one from another.

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I have one of these kits too. Bought it for the A4 CV outs.

They are very handy and I too find them very robust.
In fact I find them almost too robust.

The cables are a bit too thick and stiff for my liking. The coating is very heavy plastic. Something a bit more rubbery would have been nice. I like my cables to have a bit of flow and flex.

I wanted something far shorter, simpler and more flexible so in the end I just made my own. I only needed it for eurorack gear so didn’t need any of the bells and whistles of the Elektron kits. Seen some older thread on here where others had done similar custom cables that looked real nice so I bought a nicely made Neutrik insert cable and soldered my own mini jack plugs on the end. Mini jack are a ball ache to solder. For me anyways. But now I have a nice compact, short CV splitter cable. Well worth it. I’ll hang on to the Elektron one too. It definitely comes in handy too.

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I came up with this little box after thinking about how best to connect my A4 to an MS20, I considered the Elektron Audio/CV kit but I didn’t need anymore cables, it’s basically a small guitar pedal style box that allows you to use standard 1/4 inch TRS cables or TS cables on the outputs, you can also use it on an insert point on a console to insert guitar effects pedal or like, using the same standard 1/4 inch cables, I have only made one for now, after using it I could do with 4 or 5 more.

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I like your DIY solutions !
@Intermodd if you make another box, could be interesting to have two 6,35 TRS inputs on one side, and four TS 3,5 on the other side :slight_smile:


So many options!

Your suggestion would be very handy for a modular or SH101 which I had thought about.

As my MS20 has 6.35mm connections this one is perfect!

Could also make a 4 X 6.35mm to 8 X 6.35mm to break all the RYTM outputs to a mixer, all using standard cables.

I’m wondering if I can use this audio/cv split to connect the outs of my eurorack mixer to the analog rytm mk1 input. I can’t find a dual 3.5mm TS to 6.3 TRS cable and I’m not good at DIY.

Will this kit solve my issue or it’s just intended to be used for the individual outs?

Yes, that’ll work a treat, and it’s handy for a few other cabling situations too - good value imho

The only issue could be that the splitter is chunky if you’re potentially thinking of hanging it off a modular/other it’ll possibly get in the way - otherwise very utilitarian, i’m using these all the time, cables feel nice

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