Audio data as video data representation

No, this was too complicated and such a project needs good realisation, some serious coding from the scratch and support from the institutions or at least confirmation that it will be presented on a high level.

At that time we had that project going, we made some illusion that sound is morphing together with visuals, but it was just an Illusion crafted by human hands - not a real AI sound morphing.

Anyway, still very interested in AI / spectral morphing and things like that. By the way Ircam just released new software for that called ASAP. Need to try. I’m more INA/GRM kind of guy, so a bit in opposition to IRCAM 🥸😹 But will try it at some point.

Would love to see more nice simple and creative tools for sound morphing and some AI sonic generation tools. Where they are?

Interesting. Thank you for posting!

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