Autechre MD+MnM sysex files! [+ MPC, Nord]

Same here :slight_smile:

i don’t see it much as living 10 years in the past. for me this is still entirely new.
they mentioned before that they didn’t have any recordings of this material, so have to imagine for the band themselves recording this would be a bit more of a case of working with past material when they could be doing new things, but for us fans and hobbyists this 10 year old material is unreal to play with
:slight_smile: (i think i’m largely agreeing with your post and sentiment here!).

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good to see another super dirty monomachine - as dirt keeps the mono funk


Following this 3D from the beginning… what to say… terrific stuff!
Would be great to publish free versions of Quaristice tracks with all this materials.
Love AE to death, thanx Sean & Rob!


3D? Did they add the 3D video project files up as well? I‘d love to have a look at gantz graf :nerd_face:

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LOL, I mean thread


Just downloaded the G2 stuff. Now finding the time to play with them :wink:

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Checked them last night awesome pad sounds in there…very inspiring!

I missed this instruction yesterday. I guess that was the reasons I had problems with some patches

"Nord Modular G2 Patches: Load performance folder first, then load patchfile, enable Perf Mode."

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Played a little with the G2 patch. Quite interesting sounds really.
Didnt have the time to really analyze it but some observations :

-Every patch use different variations. Variation 1 doesnt produce any sounds.

-The sequencer modules seems to be used mostly to apply some modulation to different parameters and are clocked using gate input so each notes sounds different.

-Lots of midi CC mapped to parameters for every patch so my guess is the MPC is used to sequence the Nord Modular G2 with lots of midi CC.


Not a fan of Autechre at all, just not my thing, but it’s incredibly cool to see an artist shed light so openly on things that they have done.

And very generous too. I can see this has really captured the imagination of a lot of people in this thread.


That makes sense. Most likely you need the mpc + NM combo to get the whole picture

If I remember correctly there were some patches without an audio out module.
Just for sequencing purpose I reckon

Who has all 4 devices? :loopy:

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Four ritual objects, I reckon.

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MPC2500 instead of MPC1000, but otherwise I’m ready for a fun weekend.


Anybody make a soundcloud or youtube vid of the Nord patches?

I’m going to print and hang up the first page of the setlist and I’m going to tell you why.

How many pieces of gear do you see: 4. 1-2-3-4.

What is the size of their musical world: immense. Vast.

I hope it helps remind me that the potential size of something is not how many things you put in it but how much you put in it.

God bless 'em.


But 4 immense deep instruments (at least 3 of them, don’t know much about the mpc)


True. Which one could take for either chose wisely or, along the lines of what I’m saying, get the most out of your choices. Which I think can be immense for any piece of gear.

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Do you mean the old albums he added to bandcamp?