Awesome MPC Live/X Tutorials

I think in a way Akai shoot themselves in the foot when marketing the new MPCs as Daws. They are amazing tools, albeit a bit flawed currently, maybe the best version of a MPC, but using the word daw creates expectations they can’t really meet.
I’m one of those traitors who sold the OT for the MPC Live and even though I miss a few things, mostly automations, the Live works best for what I do, which is sampling from other hardware, building one massive kit then creating a few sequence while sampling and resampling my audio.
It seems like the description of the OT workflow, but I find the MPC pad based approach more intuitive.
Akai really needs to give us real automations in standalone mode though.
Like really.


i actually never saw an ad that said it was a daw.

Yeah, they never had any adds saying that but a bunch of the early promo said things along the lines of daw Ina box.

Not an Ad, but most of Dan’s product presentation called it a daw.


ok well it is more like a DAW than any other standalone MPC in hostory. I honestly cant understand why anyone would be upset over it. it allows you to sculpt your sound quite a bit.

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Tubedigga videos are definitely helpful and creative for getting different tricks and feels out of the mpc live. I already had a mpc live along with my rytm when I came across the channel so I needed no convincing to purchase a mpc live. But like the OP stated the tutorials he posted for usage, sound designing using samples, getting more out of the unit are some of the best on YouTube. Keep up the great work. I wish some of the rytm unit had as equally produced short, well explained and to the point videos as well produced like Unmox and Tubedigga

I like Tubediggas videos aswell, however he tends show how it is done and forgetting to tell how its done. Which makes it a pain to figure out how and what to press in order to replicate what he does in the videos.

I can`t quite say that. I mean I can easily follow which parameters and which section he is on. For example the workflow on the make a kick out of anything video is pretty spot on mainly the sample edit page for the truncating and looping and the program edit page for envelopes and filters and etc. But I must admit I come from a mpc background so I am pretty familiar on how he worked on his mpc.

Hi Finns - I do try and explain a lot but if you can understand, I’m trying to find a common ground for complete beginners and experts alike, just so I don’t exclude anyone or come across as patronising etc :slight_smile:

Always happy to elaborate on anything you don’t get so don’t be afraid to ask, and I’ll try and keep in mind that some things need a little more explanation. As Bluehaze says, if you come from an MPC background it’s a lot easier and I may be wrongly assuming that most people watching will have many of the basics down.



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You do a really nice job, but for someone like me that are new to the mpc platform, it is difficult to navigate around in the menues. So it would be very helpfull if you descibe the process as you go along - like - in order to do this we need to go to x, you press y to open z and choose x then use the ZZ to perform this action.
Makes sense?

The MPC Bible is a really good starting point.
I didn’t use the MPC Live much as I already knew the MPC workflow, but back then I learned the MPC 5K with the Bible.
@Tubedigga: keep up the good work!

Certainly, I will endeavour to be more detailed :slight_smile:

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Will do mate, thanks for the support :slight_smile:

MPC Live’s dope

This is an excellent tutorial – even though i don’t own an MPC Live – and a pity at that as i see now. There are lots of general principles here that apply on how to use a sampler as a synth – so for instance they can more or less apply, or be adapted to the Digitakt as well.

Toward the end of this vid, the ranking of the MPCL relative to the Octatrack may be fighting words to some (not i) but then i like well thought out strong opinion.

Thanks Tubedigga!