Bandcamp joins....Epic Games?

Well you may end up correct, hopefully it isn’t a temporary sweetner.

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Here’s how this could be interesting and beneficial for artists. Imagine if gamers on Epic’s various game platform could purchase music from Bandcamp like skins in Fortnite for use with their accounts? My kid is always harassing me to spend his birthday cash on v bucks.

Of course the downside of this is that every major label artist will be all over the front pages like Spotify.

This could have been possible without Epic buying Bandcamp. What’s in this buy-out that makes that more likely now? (Maybe I missed something in the blog/press release. I skim read most things :slight_smile: )

Simply put, another place under their corporate umbrella for people to spend money in. Allowing users with an Epic Games account to also use it as a Bandcamp account would be the logical step here I think.

My sanctimonious Bandcamp boycott didn’t last long. Blew ~£50 on Bandcamp Friday. FFS! :flushed:


I got as far as the headline “… will pay artists 100% of royalties for the first year”. FFS. Typical tech bro/drug dealer/bait&switch bullshit.

Also, depending how you read it, it sounds like they intend to try not paying artists 100% of royalties later on. Royalties are already a share, and are mandated by the agreements covering the copyright/publishing deals. If you’re not getting 100% of royalties, and you didn’t sign a new agreement, you’re getting ripped off. I hope this is just MusicRadar misusing the word for a grabby headline rather than TicTok’s proposed business model.


I was also thinking like this, coming originally from filmmaking and working a lot with Virtual Production based on UE now, but srsly: It is not that much cheaper…

I mean: This guy is showing his rig for his “indie” VR home studio, and it is approx. 100.000 investment:

Back to topic:

Epic Games always gives me a cringey feeling…while I am really happy about the potential rise in quality for game sounds / music and I deeply hope that artists might make a little money, it is also quite possible to drown in the endless asset libraries that they will embed into their main store. It is one of the most horrible, uncurated asset store I have ever seen. Similar to vimeos weird search engine: It is brutally hard to find good assets amongst all the BS you see there…

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I hate this “VR will be adopted by everyone” story. We should resist it. VR is (and will be) great for some things, some of the time. But it’s unnecessary and totally not something everyone needs to adopt. We have no evidence to support the thesis that “everyone will adopt VR”. We can guaratnee that some mega-rich fucks with a vested interest in selling us traps will try to make eveyrone else think that “VR will be adopted by everyone”.


With my NeuraLink implant I will not only experience cutting egdge VR gaming but also make me a lot smarter by downloading knowledge directly from the interwebs (learning OT within 0,02 seconds e.g.)

Let’s talk again in 10-15 years.

Might be some will have more fun playing Stardew Valley-like pixelgames but I know I will have a lot more fun being fully immersed with photorealistic graphics and my fullbody tactile suite (or maybe that’s also taken care of by my implant).

First AR will of course be the gateway. Some dislike that … I’m looking forward to it!

Fact is: People without that implant will have a disadvantage.

50% trolling / 50% “truth” :grinning:

Also: the internet now knows your deepest secrets and there are big gaps in your memory… You tend to wake up in places and you have no idea how you got there.

Fair :slight_smile:

Personally, I’m way more interested in getting better at dealing with Actual Reality (and sometimes using A/VR for info/enter-tainment).


so no real difference to now :grinning:


Damn, and I thought I didn’t need an Analog Rytm, but if it’s a gateway to the metaverse maybe I need one … I don’t want to be stuck in the meatverse like a loser


in a nutshell

Funny how successful Mr Zuckerberg was to implement VR = MetaVerse into some brains already in 2021/22. Sad world :grinning:

as always: If you’re not paying for the product, you are the product.

I’m pretty confident the Apple Glasses will be nice. I hate wearing glasses … but with some benefits… and they’re not known to add ads to their products. Just a hefty entry price as always. “Starting at only $3999!!”

Looks more like my twenties than Internet :grin:

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looks pretty professional to me. Our main broadcast channel (we all pay for) build a similar setup for over 5 million Euros.

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Anyone else concerned about this, as TikTok is listed as an A.I. company?