Barfunkel - Live set 2014

So, I had a live gig yesterday here in Helsinki, in an event which featured about 10 Finnish techno live acts.

I don’t have the recording from the actual event yet, but here’s the practice session for it, recorded some hours before the actual gig:

Edit: Made with an OT, an A4, an Ambika and a Big Sky.

Still waiting for the audio recording from the gig! I did a bit of a mistake there and started to mess with the kick EQ with the club soundsystem, which was VERY bass heavy. It sounded good in that environment, but the recording might sound like poo with headphones or regular speakers.

Here’s a little video from the gig. It was a bit early, the place was packed an hour later. Maybe I’ll get a primetime slot next time!

It was interesting to see how things have progressed. 2 years earlier, the same event had nothing but laptops on stage. Now, out of the 10 acts, only one was purely computer-based. A few hybrids, but mostly hardware setups.

Here’s the recording from the actual gig. Not that different from the practice session. Not a bad thing though, at least nothing went wrong.

I thoroughly enjoyed your set man.
It’s good to see some nice simple dance oriented techno :slight_smile: