I have recorded some tracks with sequences an now on another track I find that I need to record something that takes twice as long as the current 64 steps. How can I create this sequence without messing up the rest?
I can get twice the time by setting the master x1 to x1/2, but that also slows down all existing sequences.
Can you have one track counting in 8ths in stead of 16ths and leave the other tracks alone? Or is there a way to transform the other tracks to speed up and transform to the new timebase without having to redo them manually?
Wow what a bummer. What’s so different about the OT that is can handle this? I would expect to find a very similar sequencing engine in devices that were produced after OT. This stuff is just software and if they’ve figured it out on the OT I don’t understand it.
check in scale menu pressing function and scale , the lower option is advanced mode .
In this mode the tracks of the pattern can be assigned individual lengths. Select ADVANCED mode by navigat- ing to the SCALE column using the [LEFT] arrow key. Select ADVANCED by using the [DOWN] arrow key. In ADVANCED mode, two columns exist, TRACK and MASTER.
I could be wrong but I think he’s trying to have some tracks play back at half speed, some at normal speed and possibly others at double speed. Unless there was an update recently, I believe this is currently impossible at the moment.
@estebanse you can’t make a track twice as slow with those options. You can only slow down the master which affects everything obviously. To record a track with twice the timespan you would turn the 64 steps into 8th notes. There is no scale x0.5 available on an individual track.