Does anyone as tips to make fake bass guitar tone on the monomachine? I d like to make bass sound in the way of alpha and Omega who use a real bass but i d like to make something like this but sequenced because i can t play bass guitar while mixing orher machines!
Hm, I might have a little go at this. First thought would be a soft digipro wave with the LP filter cutoff doing a bit of a “pluck” on trig, plus a sine GND an octave lower set to trig off it on another track.
You could try some Karplus-Strong synthesis. I think there are a couple of recipes in Veets’s Elektron tips document.
I didn’t realise you could achieve Karplus-Strong on the Monomachine (though I guess it’s not surprising). Going to have to try this!
Does it need to jse two tracks?
I need to use separate output in myn setup.
Not sure, I think the problem with the K-S method is that bass notes are going to be really hard to tune without using a static LFO trick, which might take a while to program anything because you’ll have to p-lock all the notes.
Maybe an FM machine will do a better job with only a single track.
You can route more than one track to any pair of outputs, if that’s what you’re concerned about. You can have four tracks to the main output and two to --CD-- or whatever.
Oh, I’ve just looked up the band you’re talking about. You want a big dub bass sound? GND sine is going to be the best for that I think. No need for a pluck or sharp attack element.
I can t make it loud enough in ly mix if i make a really sub bass this way and i d line to find a way to not use a track for a compressor
Assuming you have the amp volume and track level all the way up, have you tried using the filter Q to boost the low frequencies? I.e., on the filter page, have Base at minimum, then lower the Width setting and raise the LPQ (Low Pass Q)? Should give you a boost. Try bringing in a bit of distortion on the amp page too.
For quick results I’d try an FM Dyna machine - start with both Freq set to 1.0 and just play with the machine envelope and vol control - you’ll quickly get a “good enough” plucky Bass sound with organic string like qualities.
Thanks guys i ll try this too!
The sine is good, i was makin mistake by closing a bit the hpf with resonance but if i don t touch it at all i can find good result, i had also good result with the pulsewave with the sub osc!
Trust me bro the FM machines are the way to go
I didn twent deep in fm at the moment i only ised it to makeperc sound, i m not familiar to it and it s lucky when i get good result with fm