As I’m going through the manual I’ve run into a few things which aren’t making sense.
I am running OS 1.02D
Using the Sound Browser when I click Yes/Save to load a sound the sound is not loaded into the track. Where is it loaded to? Sound Manager I check the sound, click load to track and still the old sound plays. What am I doing wrong? I am just trying to change the kick. I know the machine is right as the pad lights up purple. Once I exit out of the Sound Menu it defaults back to the old sound.
EDIT: I got Sound Browser and Manager to work with SD2 then it loaded in the BD1 sound too. Bizarre.
Retrig Menu:
I do not see the Q Start under Velocity Curve. I only have 4 options in the retrig menu not 5 like the manual states?
Sometimes it seems like parameters are list in note divisions ie 1/4 1/2 etc then when I got back they are only decimal ie .586, 1.78 etc. What makes that change?
I was dumping a big, 236mb sample bank of synth pads in and it made it half way through then stopped. I can now load them in one by one, even if I select a big list in C6. It quits again after 1 sample loads. No error messages on either device.
I’m guessing this means I’ve about reached the limit?
The problem I am having is that the mutes from the AK affect the AR. I don’t seen anywhere in the AK menus to not send mutes. I do have mutes set to INT of the Rytm but that just seems to be for sending…
In the case of mutes I’m guessing the AK needs to be after the AR?
Someone can answer better than me because I don’t have my ar setup likE that. But im pretty sure I’ve read on the board there being a solution to this issue. Something about the midi routing, sending cc or something. Try a google search of the board.