Beginner's question re: audio routing A4 >> OT

Hi guys

Been lurking on this forum for a while, first post :slight_smile:

I’ve got a beginner’s question re: audio routing A4 >> OT:

  • do I use mono jack cables from A4 >> OT?
  • the OT out ports are 4 × 1/4″ impedance balanced audio out jacks, so can I use mono or stereo jacks?

4 × 1/4″ impedance balanced audio out jacks
4 × 1/4″ impedance balanced audio out jacks

Both the output of the A4 and the input of OT are balanced, so use TRS cables. TBH you could use unbalanced cables, but you run the risk of raising the noise floor or ground hum

The OT inputs are unbalanced !

Thanks wintermute and avantronica - but I am slightly confused now :slight_smile:

The A4 is mono out, so I use a mono jack cable, right?

It’s stereo when you use both Left and Right outputs, the cabling you’re talking about is always ‘mono’ whilst we understand what you mean, in all practical terms, it will make little or no difference to you if you use ‘balanced’ TRS cables (although you will not get the full benefit at all) or whether you use TS unbalanced cables (as i do) - there’s a lot that can be found out if you search SOS on this topic, it may necessitate breaking a TRS ring contact at one end, but as far as you are concerned it makes no difference if you use short unbalanced cables like most users

The OT inputs are unbalanced ![/quote]
d’oh! sorry :slight_smile:

not sure most users use unbalanced but as has already been stated it isn’t going to matter much if you use TRS (I do)

p.s. found this interesting (from manual)

The USB connection may inject computer noise in the outputs of the Octatrack. Should this occur, use balanced cables or use a battery operated computer. Do not remove the safety grounding of your computer. It is there to protect against electric shocks.

Yep, that’s the risk of using unbalanced cables in a balanced system

I’m using TRS cables throughout my setup with no problems :slight_smile:

Additional question regarding this as I just got an A4 to join my OT; what’s the usual or best practice on cable type, single or Y? to elaborate are you running the A4 to the OT via a Y cable (like a Hosa CYS103), or using two singles?

I’ve got a few other pieces of gear I’m running into the OT so it’s inputs are scarce, would be great to use a Y and only use one OT input, however if I’m going to lose some aspects of the A4 stereo mix I’ll make other arrangements.

I would use single, unbalanced cables to Inputs A B C or D from the output device. If its an impedance balanced output it wont mind becoming unbalanced at source. Or you could use a mono aux send from a mixer with all the devices connected to it., if you have one. that way the mixing together is buffered. The Inputs on the OT are Unbalanced -meaning 1 stripe on the jack only. If you used a balanced (2 stripe) jack from a balanced device (RTM) into the Unbalanced inputs of the OT it shunts the phase reversed - signal to ground. This may be problematic for noise or other gremlins., especially in a live situation. So, compounding that problem with a balanced y split (the one you suggested) doubles the voltage (and noise) from the 2 signals- The OT has limited input headroom anyway…
You may not run into the noise problem, but it will vary in severity depending on where you are and what’s connected. Lifting the cold/negative connector at the receiving end of the cable/plug can help, but only practical if the cable isn’t moulded!

is it possible to use Main Out L + Main Out R + Cue Out L + Cue Out R as 4 seperate mono Output channels?

for instance: one output for the kick, one for bass, one for hihats, one for atmo

Pretty much:
Adjust the LEV settings for the Main and Cue outputs using the LEVEL knob and [CUE] + LEVEL knob respectively.
In the AMP MAIN page of each audio track, use BAL to pan the sound to extreme left or extreme right.