Behringer Gear Quality : Your Experiences

Yeah there was a bug with envelopes double triggering. and the firmware got fixed, fairly quickly.

Here’s a snippet from the recent track I was working on.

Wasp lead comes in about 15 seconds in and definitely takes the lead through this clip.

Cat is playing a lot of the “polyrhythmic” melodies as best as I can describe it anyway. It’s pretty much Cat doing all the synth stuff high and low near the end of the clip. So any synth stuff at the end is Cat (besides bass and string synth).

It’s all live recorded audio single track for each synth, reverb, delay, panning added of course.

for the rest of the track in case anybody wants to know.

Drums: 100% Analog Rytm analog engines (no samples).
Bass: Shruthi XT with 4pm filter
String Synth: Ambika
Piano: Is a multisample

There are no filler FX or anything. All of the synth stuff and noise swooshing is from Wasp and Cat being recorded live plus lots of tweaking on the Shruthi Bassline.

Listening to this again most all of the weird synth sounds happening outside of that main Wasp lead is the Cat. I think I was just going crazy tweaking it lol.


I had the original back in 1981 my very first synth.


The original 2600 was the first synth experience for me, in the Physics department in college.


Lucky. I had to pay mine off on credit for a whole year. Prices have come down a bit since then :slight_smile:

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I would have been 1 year old tops :slight_smile:

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Just under five years with DeepMind 12 keyboard. I bought it on a whim, never having owned any Behringer gear, and I can say it is a really good board. The only thing I’ve had an issue with was calibrating the pitch wheel, but it turned out to be user error in the end.

Build is sturdy. Mine survived a heavy K&M mic stand crashing right on the key bed. 2 or 3 keys appeared to be completely ufcked (radio edit), but they all popped right back into place and have had zero problems in the 2 years since.

Pro tip: heavy mic stands shouldn’t be balanced on a soft chair:). I’d never do it… …again…


Gaz William’s Sledge did not completely survive a live on Sonic State collision with a mic stand a few years back. Good to hear the Deepmind did better. That was Behringer first foray into synth building wasn’t it ?


And another lawyer gets a libel case to go after!

I believe so, I think it was the first. I remember the Gaz tragedy well😬.

I thought you meant for the synths suing the mic stands. Big punitive damages award !

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I had quite a few Behringer pieces over the last almost 30 years or so. Including a big M(X?)8000 48 channel mixer which worked perfectly for 10 years until I sold it because of space issues in my apartment. ADA8000, RX1202 no issues. Must be over 10 years old. MS-101 is really nice, TD-03 also, too light but $130 so what. RD-8 works, got the “Rimzilla” but do not care.

Only thing I don’t get it that hey have to use a different power supply for every *#$&# device. Why?
Like I can use the Elektron Rytm one for DT and DN and even my Push 2. That is how it should be.

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I had a pair of B monitor speakers less than 10 years ago. They developed a fault after a year. I sent them back for a repair under warranty, they came back with the same fault, I got a replacement pair under same warranty. Speakers developed same fault after about a year.

I had a small B mixer, it went crackly and hissy very quickly.

Never bought any B gear since.


Had the Model D for a while. Sounded good but would not even stay in tune with itself, let alone anything else. Had to have one oscillator pitched down a 5th just to play the same note as the others. This happened in a matter of weeks, I gave up on it shortly after that and sold it on.

Bought one of their octave pedals for guitar as a present for my friend. It buzzed so badly it was completely unusable. Think it just got binned in the end as it couldn’t be returned.

Had a Xenyx mixer for a while until both mic input channels stopped working. It had never even left the house.

Yeah the actual build of the unit is fantastic but I changed studio spaces and the new space was much warmer and as the synth warmed up you could no longer set the envelope to the non looping mode. Its actually super easy to open it up and adjust the trim pots while it is on.

  • DDX 3216 mixer. excellent, still working as a studio hub. Optioned up with 4x4 ADAT io
  • REV2496 V-verb. Lovely reverb, shame about the hot glue (how to pull defeat from the jaws of victory) it died
  • BCN44s - 3 of them. These will not die even after some idiot stood on one of them & broke half the knobs
  • BCR2000 - as above, it can be programmed on the device itself.
  • BCF2000 - as above but a good illustration of why you want touch-sensitive faders so automation is instantly defeated. Almost no-one seems to get this with fader-based controllers
  • MDX compressors - 2100 & 2200. I like the sound - a bit of Drawmer, a bit of Symmetrix apparently
  • numerous small mixers over the years that have boring routing options but do the job
  • 2496 DSP - cheap & some 90’s-style algos - kind of like the effects on a Roland SP.
  • (oh yeah forgot ) - ADA8000 - as expansion for ADAT devices generally. It could have been much better with a built-in submixer but I don’t need that myself

The pile of broken B gear is smaller than the Mackie heap that’s for sure.

The Who-zee whatsy?

Recent build quality seems to be quite good in my opinion although I did receive a 960 Sequential controller with a stuck switch. I’ve sold most of the B synths I bought but didn’t have any quality issues with them unlike some other new gear that arrived DOA or broke shortly after (Lyra 8, Medusa, Hydrasynth … looking at you guys!). It’s just that the B synths felt as cheap as they cost :slight_smile:
Their digital mixers though … I have nothing but praise for. Recently swapped out my X32 (which served me really well for 8 years) for their Wing. I think the Wing is a brilliant piece of gear and imho nothing can touch it that even approaches that price.


I had a Sequential OB6…right from the beginning one of the buttons was broke, and the synth had very strong detuning issues. It wasn´t able to keep the tune for at least more than 10 minutes. After weeks of trying and had the unit even send in to Sequential without luck, i returned it. So…Sequential is top, Behringer flop?

That’s what I wanted to say with “generalizing is generally a wrong thing to do”, because over a few experiences you can’t really decide for yourself what to think about this. Especially for subjects like B, you will, I guess, mostly look for a confirmation of your own idea.

And yes, Sequential, Moog and Elektron also have known issues, as well as every manufacturer I guess.

Not sure this nth B-related subject is really more interesting than the previous one, despite all @Jukka good will :tongue:

I’ll mute this thread, please be cool at each other.
If someone doesn’t like this discussion, I suggest they just mute the thread as well.
