Behringer Model D vs K2 vs Pro 1

No contest.

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The specs would say the Pro 1 with its second envelope, sync and PWM. It’s a more versatile synth compared to the Lancet which seems a bit hamstrung.

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A little history :slight_smile:

  • The original Cat had a discrete 24dB filter based on CA3080 OTAs (also used in a few late 70s Roland filters). The oscillators were also discrete.
  • The SRM filter was based on the SSM2040 (same chip as the Prophet-5 rev 1 & 2)
  • The SRM II filter was based on the SSM2044 (same chip as the Polysix), and also introduced a new VCO design based on the CEM 3340.

None of the designs have any relation to ARP.
The Behringer unit is based on the SRM II.

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I have a Mono Lancet, and a friend has a Bro-1.

The Mono Lancet is a sweet and powerful sounding little synth with a fairly limited sound palette.
The Bro-1 is a fully fledged analog mono with a thunderous sound. As Microtribe says, no contest really.

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Yeah but I was referring to build quality, component quality, longevity, circuitboard quality, proper midi implementation that works reliably etc.

One has them, the other doesnt. No contest.

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I’ve got an original SRM with the 2040 filter in the collection. I remember reading that there were more than a few similarities between the original Cat and the Odyssey, and there was speculation that was one of the reasons for the SRM. I think it was an SOS article but I’ve slept since then

Edit. I found the article in question


Sorry, I misunderstood. With regards to build quality I agree, Vermona is unparalleled. Since I don’t buy Behringer gear, I really can’t say anything on how the latest Behringer products perform in this regard.

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Oh, cool. I guess there might have been exceptions in transitional periods?

I used to own an SRM with the 2040 filter, it sounded teriffic.

I guess there have been several stories surrounding the similarities between the Odyssey and the Cat. The article seems to conclude that ARP sued and failed, and that the claimed “copied circuitry” appeared in the Cat before the Odyssey.

Yup, mine is a window rattler!

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I think that’s a reference to the duophonic circuitry of the 2800 Oddy which came out in ‘72, four years before the original Cat.

Anyway we’re straying OT! :sunglasses:

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this seems about right, thanks. im sure the lancet sounds great, but the crave sounds fine enough (not as good, im guessing) and i think that mostly covers my single eg bass-type mono synth duties. the tone is wat keeps me intrigued though. ill have to try the perfourmer one day

i agree with micro about the build quality, obviously. thats the only thing that ever bothered me about behringer synths

they are pretty different but i rarely see the mono lancet mentioned and was kind of just more curious as to what someone who owned both would recommend just generally as far as usefulness goes in the stu

so the b cat has a filter based on the polysix chip?

It seems CoolAudio have made a 2044 clone so it’s possible both the Cat and MonoPoly use this chip? I’d have to open one or both of mine up and take a look.

I don’t recall the V2044 being about before the Cat and MP but that might just be my poor memory? Or it could be they were using it in house before it went in general sale?

It seems there are some PCB shots for the MonoPoly on MW but you need to be logged in to view them. Obv that doesn’t mean the Cat uses the same filter chip but it might be a pointer?

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This channel is always good but some of the jams he does really highlight how great these things sound in a mix with some fx processing

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