BELLA - Nord Drums 3P Digitakt Sample Pack - Teaser

In a couple of weeks I’m releasing an other free sample pack. This time I`m going digital w. Nord Drum 3p and a pair of sticks. Some single shots but mostly short grooves, breaks and fills. The digitakt part not only means rate & depth but optimized in length and the possibility to nicely move around sample position. Any requests or suggestions are welcomed.

  • BPM sweetspot?
  • Clean or Processed?
  • More classic drum sound or more melodic (like bells, marimba)
  • oooor whatever you have in mind…


How about a processed and an unprocessed version? :slight_smile: That way you can choose which version to install on your Digitakt.

Personally I prefer beats around 110-120 BPM.

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Can this still be gotten? Very much would like to have it if so…

sorry mate, that one never came through. I had to sell it for rent reasons. :confused: but I can highly recommend the machine. I might get one later this year.

I have one for tanzbar though: