Best Groovebox: Syntakt vs Digitakt

Same! There’s joy in taking any sound in the world and mangling it into some other sound, but also joy of taking oscillators and making something out of them too in normal synthesis style!


And this is why the real winner of this discussion is probably…

Not as a knock on Syntakt, Digitakt, or any other takt-like machine, but Rytm feels like the most versatile and complete groovebox around, especially with master distortion and compression built in (plus performance features and all the other good stuff).


My biggest problem with Digitakt, is that I had Octatrack before ! And I kept OT.
So I am totally biased with that debate. :pl:


I had the Digitakt first and later tried the Octatrack. Great features but didn’t like the UI. But at least once a month i think about getting one again. I know it’s a beast.

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You can just use a USB cable but I also have a Bluetooth MIDI dongle so it can be done wirelessly. That way it also leaves the Syntakt USB port free to use for Overbridge connection to a computer.

It’s this one - CME WIDI Master Wireless MIDI Adapter at Gear4music


why does everyone insist that a sampler sounds like what you feed it, when so many samplers have achieved legendary status solely on the basis of the flavor/sound they imparted on samples? lol

If a sampler sounded like what you feed it, why would anyone prefer vintage samplers with certain aliasing/eq/filter characteristics?

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Interesting thoughts, from one of the hardest working Octatrack users on this forum - that being you of course.

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I’d love a rytm :smiley: I’m trying to catch all the elektrons. I’m addicted right now lol. Since the end of april, I started with digitone, then digitakt, then syntakt then analog four mk1, and now I have a octatrack mk1 coming in a day or two lol. Next will be rytm :smiley: lol


…sure, there are differences in bit depth, converters and workflow…
and sure there once were differences in how they sum up, when u used their mainouts only…
and oooof, what huge differences there were, when it came to their digital filters…

but that’s all yesterday parties…nothing u could not achieve with todays tools any other way…specially if mentioned, that all saturation and whatnot is at hand…

bottomline remains…it sounds like what u feed it with and how ur treatment works it out…
it’s UR selection, UR curation of audiosnippets that make the music…no further nitpicking arguments needed…
all grittyness, all dust, all crystalclean to crispyness…it’s always up to U, UR liking, UR will to achieve and create…ur talent to get things going and work them out…
really tired of people that blame their instruments instead of facing the mirror…

in case of further doubts…look what burial has done…all samples…but no sampler…
just a crappy common audioeditor, his taste and spirit of selection and the inspiration of how to treat all the shit with the tools he had at hand…


I like this.

Synth musicians: “Synths can make any sound, samplers are unfortunately limited to just sounds that you sampled.”

Sampler musicians: “Samplers can sample any sound, synths are unfortunately limited to sounds that you can synthesize.”

…this seemed like a profound thought when I was falling asleep last night.

As a listener, I really really dig sample based music. But as a musician, I find making music with synthesizers works much better for me. I do use both of course though!


Umm (cough cough)… The Digitakt would be the correct answer in this case because, (cough) any other answer would be incorrect in this case… (cough)… mhmm.


What do you use for FX boxes? How much of a difference does it make for DT?


Because the workflow of current gen Roland drives me insane to the point that I’m trying to get rid of my tr6s.

For me personally, samples are often sterile and fatiguing (round robin multi samples aren’t though - on Novation Circuits, I can program round robin samples at least relatively easily via sample flip).

Syntakt really offers a lot in terms of possible sound design, check this playlist with all kinds of different genres …


I have it on good account that god is a digitakt


Iron-clad logic.



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There’s no “best” between these, obviously just best for each person. But I’m having this debate personally, as I’d like to invest in a new machine eventually (after I pay for a custom tanbur I’m having made), having sold my OT (only elektron I’ve owned). I was initially tempted by the ST with its analog components and since I always combine my acoustic strings with electronics, I thought it might be okay to be limited to synthesized sounds in my electronic box (not interested in multiple boxes at the moment). Still on the fence though as I love the power of sampling to be able to much more easily get very unique sounds that synthesis just can’t get (organic/acoustic sounds). I’m leaning towards the DT for this reason, but the challenge of synthesis of organic textures with the ST or DN appeals as well.

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