Best software for batch sample rate conversion?

What do you guys use for your 44khz sample rate conversion? Is there something you can use for large batches? As it is I am using ableton which is a pain in the arse and takes forever.

Software recommends for Mac and Windows (I use mac but I am sure others may be interested in such software)

I’m on Windows, and I’ve been using Goldwave for batch audio processing (including sample rate conversions). In the past I’ve used SoX, but that’s a command line program.

I use Hoo Technologies

I’ve used SoundForge, works a charm, but cost a lot (you can get a 30-day trial, though).

I use Audiofile’s Sample Manager for batch processing.

I use Audiofile’s Sample Manager too but also SoX for ultimate quality !

Interesting. Live 9.1 is using SoX for it’s SR conversion needs too.

You’re right ! Interesting…

Sample Manager 3 has iZotope tech integrated and is great for batch conversion:

For OS X Iced Audio’s AudioFinder is one of the best sample manger utilities around. It can handle batch processing, and renaming really well:

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Best software is Weiss Saracon
Expensive but you asked for ‘best’.


Take a look at

…ooopS !! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
i knew this site…really useful.
Regarding my tool: XLD (free!!) for osx only… =(
Does not have renaming options… but i use Automator for this duties

Sample Manager is definitely the best I’ve come across.

Adobe Audition.

Awave Studio

+1 for Goldwave

Excellent results and my go-to utility WAV editor - FX are not its strong point, but who needs rendered FX these days with so many good live tracking options…

SoX is crazy complictaed lol. I am no command line user. Way above my head. lots of suggestions though. Will check them all out.

Now there’s a great piece of software, can’t remember the last time it crashed for me. Pretty much bug free to boot.

X Lossless Decoder(XLD)